59. Stop Sulking

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Jolie's POV:

"What do you want?" I was in no mood to deal with anyone. I had just finished unpacking my clothes, and setting aside any type of real emotion. I didn't want to talk to my mother, but of course the insistent woman had other plans that contradicted with my own. I mean, can't a girl get a little privacy when she was feeling sorry for herself?

"Oh, did I wake you?" She asked.

With my head squashed into the pillow, I replied.

"Yes." My muffled voice managed to say to Mom, her face watching me as I flipped over to face her, not bothering to sit up from the bed.

"Are you feeling okay, honey? Do you feel sick? Is it something I should be worried about? I could call your doctor and let him know..."

"No, Mom, calm down. There is nothing wrong with me. I'm feeling just fine, a little sleepy, but fine." I assured her everything was alright. I didn't need her to get all worked up, and make my day worse than it had been.

Her face flooded with relief.

"Thank goodness you're alright. I'll take tired over sick any day. I'll let you relax and get used to your new bedsheets. And don't forget to give Jobe a call when you catch your breath." Mom had seen the text Jobe has sent me, but at the time, I was too upset to reply. I didn't want a pity text from a man who didn't have the guts to tell me a simple goodbye before he left me. Now, maybe there's the slightest chance I was overreacting, like my mother would tell me, but my own doubts get the better of me. I was supposed to believe Jobe left without a goodbye for my own benefit, and on top of that, I was already fearing this was too good to be true?

Maybe he had gotteb bored with me. I was nothing like his ex, Lisa, but... didn't he tell me he didn't want anyone like her again? Ugh, I am so frustrated, lovesick and frustrated. Huh, maybe I should just call him and see.

I grabbed my phone, dialed his memorized number into my phone, and put my finger just above the green call button. My finger twitched near the touch pad, but never pressed down. I turned off my phone, and reluctantly reached for my phone again before throwing it on the side of my bed, giving up.

I rested flat on the bed like a dead lamb, annoyed at my own self for my stupid overthinking.

"Did somebody call the love doctor?" I seriously need to padlock my door from now on.

"Candy, what are you doing here?" Should I even ask that by now?

"I came to check on your cranky ass, but your mom told me you were tired. Then I asked her why you were tired, if you were okay, and she said you were having boy troubles." So Mom isn't as clueless as I thought she was.

"Mom is full of shit, as per usual. I am doing quite fine, actually, and I am not having any such boy troubles. In fact, the only trouble I am having is my mother sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, and thinking she knows everything." I said.

"Jeesh, she's your mother so she has to worry. Maybe her nose doesn't belong in your drama, but mine does. Tell me what's bothering you, and this time, don't lie about it again. I know it has to be about a boy to put you in this kind of a mood, and I know it has to be about Jobe Boston. Unless there's suddenly a new hunky piece of white meat, then it's definitely about him." I could help but laugh. Candy was so on spot, it was hilarious sometimes.

"Okay, fine." I sat up on my bed, my head against the post, taking a very deep breath.

"Speak." Candy demanded, her green eyes staring back impatiently.

"It is about Jobe. It's hard to admit because I've never had such a guy give me such mixed emotions. When we were in Houston, we had such a great time together, and in the process, I fell in love with him. I thought for a wild minute that it was mutual, that he loved me as much as I loved him. But then when we were leaving, he didn't bother saying goodbye, just up and left. I was already worried about the consequences of our time together, so it makes me think the worse is yet to come. I'm just worried is all."

"Jolie, you have no foot to stand on here because there is nothing to worry about. That is complete crock because Jobe is in love with you. I can see it I'm his eyes, the way he cares about he and goes out of his way to help you is a love I want to be in. That kind of love doesn't go away because you're out of the hospital, silly." She put her hand on my shoulder, giving me her friendly advice and support.

"So I'm being stupid?" It was obvious, that maybe I was overreacting.

"Yes, you're being stupid. So what if he didn't tell you bye? He's trying to talk to you now, but you're the one who's not replying, letting him think you're not serious about him. Stop getting your thong in a twist and go talk to him. Imagine how bad you felt when you thought he was ignoring you, but now you're doing the same to him. You need to go over there right now and talk to him to see where his head is at so you guys can kiss and make up. Do you understand what I'm saying, Jolie?" I did understand what she meant, and I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself when I didn't need to be.

"Yes, I'm going to go over there and tell Jobe how much I want to be with him. I'm done playing the victim."

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