20. Joy Ride

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Jobe's POV:

With all of the charges my father has gotten dropped for me over the years, I don't think stalking would be one he could fix.

Why I was driving around in the middle of the day around Jolie Drake's white house was beyond me. I was at a quarter of a tank of gas, having arrived a few hours earlier on full.

Maybe it was the heat wave passing through Kay View, or maybe it was the early morning beer I had that made me pathetically pass by her house a million times. Or, maybe it was the off chance that I was falling for her harder than imaginable. Sure, I could admit I developed a bit of a crush on her, but this was taking it to a new level. I still couldn't wrap my head around why such an adamant woman could turn my world upset down, make me want to change for the better, but it was an unfathomable fact that I couldn't stop these...feelings. Gosh, even the word makes me cringe.

Like a sign from God, or a sign that I had extended my stay around the neighborhood, Jolie Drake strutted outside, a garbage bag in one hand and her phone in the other. Great, now that I see her, what's my next great plan? Right, I hadn't thought that far.

I decided to pull into her horseshoe driveway, stopping on the side of Jolie.

I rolled down my window and gave a little wave before speaking.

"Hey, I was in the area. Thought I might pop on by." Yeah, because that didn't sound suspicious at all.

"Oh, hey Jobe. I'm sorry, I can't talk long. I'm throwing this bag or trash atnd then I'm going pick up groceries. Mom refuses to let me sit down all day for fear of it becoming a habit. You would think having kidney problems she would be lenient, but it's the opposite." At least she was speaking normally, no sign of suspicion for my recent dropby.

"Just throw your bag in the back of my truck and hop in. I can bring you to the store." I offered, hoping she would say yes.

"No, I'm fine. I don't need a chaperone." She insisted.

"I thought your mom preferred someone being there with you. Besides, I could use some groceries myself. Hop in and I'll take you to the store. Either you come with me, or I'll be forced to conveniently show up at the same store as you and follow you around." She might have been stubborn, but I was a tough cookie to crack also 

"Is that a threat?" The creases of her mouth grew, and a hint of humor twinkling in her wide eyes.

With one hand on the steering wheel and one on the opened window, I stuck my head out.

"Are you willing to find out?" I challenged.

"Alright, jerk, I'm coming."


I've never grocery shopped with a girl before; the housemaid does the shopping and on a rare occasion I shop by myself. When I was younger, my father put me on duty to do the shopping, thanks to my mother's absence. Imagine a teenage boy who was merely taller than the basket shopping for a family of three.
I hated shopping, absolutely hated it, but I wouldn't miss the opportunity to shop with Jolie.

Shopping actually went better than expected this time around. Jolie knew exactly what she wanted, and was a big help in my own shopping. Instead of buying bags of chips and dip, like originally planned on the way, she showed me a few healthier choices like chicken and fresh portioned fruit platters. Things were going well until the cashier accused us of being a couple, by the awkwardness thankfully died down on the way to my truck.

"That cashier was nuts, wasn't she? To think we were a couple, please. She must have too much pressure on her brain from that huge head of hair she had." After loading the groceries in the truck, I opened Jolie's door and allowed her to step in before taking my own seat.

I tried to play the cashier situation off cool, but the long awaited reply from Jolie didn't sound promising. To my relief, she spoke as soon as I entered the truck.

"She must be a little crazy to think of us as a couple. And her hair was pretty bad, wasn't it? It reminded me of the backup singer for Carrie Underwood last night." She laughed.

"Oh, that's what I thought too! Man, that was a sick concert last night. Did you enjoy it?" I had very much enjoyed the concert thanks to her. Having Lisa there had kept me at bay; even if she was ignoring me the whole time, it kept my morals in check. I was a bad guy, leading Lisa on, and it wasn't fair to her. I should break up for her, and not because I think I have a chance with Jolie, but because the relationship isn't going anywhere. Lisa was vain and weak-minded, something I wasn't interested in. I need more than someone to kiss on a heated night.

"I loved the concert, and seeing my brother perform was awesome. It's great to see the people you love do great things. Wait until Avie gets older." I looked over to her side, watching her fiddle with one of the handles to the paper bags. I looked back to the road, trying to keep my mind off of how cute she looked.

"Don't remind me; I don't want her to grow up too soon. It's good that you and your brother are close; nothing better than having a sibling to rely on." I mentioned.

"Yes, but we have our faults. He really disappointed me when he started doing drugs. I needed him to be there for me through my diagnosis, and he melted in the pressure. But like all of our faults, we conquer them. I was there to make sure he sobered up, and he's going to be there when I have surgery. And Avie will be there when you have surgey, so with the support we have, everything will be fine."

Guilt was weighing on me, flashbacks of the day I met her running through my head. I had let Andy and Lisa tease her about her brother, not doing a thing to stop it. You don't realize what people are going through, and to make fun of someone without knowing is the lowest kind of person you can be.

"I'm sorry for letting Andy and Lisa joke about your brother; I've been wanted to apologize but didn't know how or when. I should have told Lisa to stop, but she doesn't much care for others' feelings. The only reason Andy refrained from talking about your brother outright was because he likes you, which is also why he was by you at the concert. You know, he told me to put in a good word for him."

"He likes me? Why are you telling me this; do you want me to give him a chance?"

I was beyond shocked, my hands resisting the urge to slap myself. I hadn't meant that I wanted her to give him a chance, but I can see how it may have sounded that way. I was so stupid, and now I had gotten myself into a pickle. If I say no, she'll know I like her, and if I say yes, it's all up to her if she wants to give Andy a chance. Or maybe she'll be too smart to date him; that's the best outcome.

"I uhm...well, I...would say it's up to you."

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I was nothing but a fool. I should have been a man and told her no, that Andy was only in it for the action.

"Oh, if you feel that way...I guess I'll see."

The rest of the ride was so silent that Jolie could probably here the sweat off my palms fall to the mat.

I didn't want her to see anything with Andy. I wanted her, dammit, and I may have just given Andy the opening he's been wanting.

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