19. A Coincidence

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Jolie's POV:

"Jolie, are you sun burnt?"

Due to my lack of protection from spending the day with Jobe on the water, I developed a nasty sun burn on my lower arms and a triangle patch on my chest.

It was only three hours ago I got home and I already  started to notice the burns, and Candy was no different to the new look on my usual pale skin.

"Yeah, just a little bit." I admitted to her, deciding to play on my phone to distract my gaze away from her.

"How'd you do that?" She asked.

"I was out water skiing with Jobe." I blurted out.

"Jobe..donor, hunky man-candy Jobe? I thought you didn't like him all that much." Candy slipped onto my bed on the side of me, and although I wasn't looking at her, I could feel her eyes on me.

"It didn't, at first, and it still up for question to be honest. Mom forced him to come to therapy because she was busy, so was my brother, and you were probably sleeping. So Jobe and I ended up ditching therapy and going water skiing." I explained.

"Water skiing? Woah, since when do you do something out of your confront zone? I don't know what this guy is doing to you..."

"Nothing." I stammered, all too fast and full of guilt.

"Do you, maybe, I don't know, like him?"

"Psh, no. That would be crazy, right?" I nervously laughed, more so coming out like hiccups.

"Love is crazy, my darling." Candy rolled her eyes. She adjusted her frilly skirt and threw off her heels so she could get comfy on the bed.

Love? Love wasn't in the cards for me. Being in love in my condition was unfair and selfish of me to do.

"Candy, I'm not..." Interrupting me was Emeric, not bothering to knock before entering. From his ripped jeans pocket, he reached for two itens, flopping them around in the air.

"Guess what I got? Don't guess, I'll tell you. Two extra tickets, front row to a Carrie Underwood concert. I'm opening for the arena and will be performing a few songs before she takes center stage. I was able to grab a few extra tickets if you guys want them."

"Oh my God, can you be my brother?" Running off the bed was Candy, quick to grab the tickets from my brother's hand before he would change his mind.

I was a pretty big fan of Carrie Underwood, as well as Candy was, and this was a big deal. Tickets were a fortune, and I'm pleasantly surprised my brother got us the tickets. I'm also more shocked that he's playing before Carrie!

"Wow, I'm impressed, Emeric. I'm so excited for you." I told him.

"I'm excited for me!" Candy waved the tickets in my face, a little too eager about the concert. I hope she doesn't faint while in the front row; that's not a way I want to be on the megatron.

"Alright, well I'll let you girls get ready. I can drop you off in the front of the arena and I'll head back stage." It was official; Emeric was the best brother.


"Five dollars for a coke? Ha! Not to mention the lady who couldn't open a bottle cap. Why would they have her slow ass selling soda?" Candy was ranting about the wait at the concessions, angry that the long wait had pushed us behind a group of people to get to the floor seating in the front.

"Relax, we're almost there " Truth is, I wasn't so sure how much longer to our spot, a disadvantage from being short.

After a few minutes of waiting, we were able to get our wrist bands and continued to our seating.

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