50. Rehab

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Jobe's POV:

After having a dream of being permanently paralyzed, I was in no mood to stay in my bed any longer. Jolie was already up and moving, taking trips down the hallway with a helper, and I felt like I was lagging behind. I know people heal at different rates, and the doner always suffers a great deal, but I wanted to be able to walk. I called a physical therapist in to talk about rehab, and helping me get up. I wanted to be able to see Jolie from a different viewpoint than a bed. Things were tense lately with Jolie's many lab tests, so I figured I could give her something to smile about for just a pretty minute. I was going to force myself to walk again for her.

"Grab onto the side of the wheelchair." I thought sitting in the wheelchair would have been stuggle enough, to think I'd have to stand up was incomprehensible. I think the worst part of this was that I had an old therapist straddling the chair, waiting for me to get up.

Ignoring the proximity of the frail therapist, I put one hand on the wobbly arm rest and did the same with my other hand. With all my might, I lifted my butt of the chair, only to be slung back down. I felt like I was a baby again, learning how to walk for the first time.

"It's okay; let's take it slow." The man took a seat next to me on an empty chair, scribbling a new notes on his clipboard. He rubbed a hand through his white beard as he examined the paper before turning back to me.

"Whenever you're ready to try again, I'm going to find a walker to out in front of you so you can quickly grab the arm rests of the chair and then have the walker to rely on after. If you feel any weakened strength or any signs of nausea, I will be here to ease you back down."

"Thanks. It's not as easy as I thought it would be." I sighed. Just that little bit of energy I had was already gone.

"Yes, it is. Not many transplant donors are looking to move so soon after the surgery. In fact, many will use the excuse to stay in bed and continue to be medicated." The therapist crossed his leg, sending me a crooked smile.

"Yes, well, I want to get better."

"I commend you. Any reason for such a need? Are you in sports?" He asked.

"Oh, no. I'd like to tell you it's because my father will have my ass if I continue to stay in bed, but that's not the main reason. There's this girl..."

"Ah, say no more. I had this girl once, a fine girl back in the eighties. She was the best thing since sliced bread, and I knew right then I had to marry her, had three kids too. But, as the years drew on, I took her for granted, didn't treat her like I should have. I'll always have the regret that I didn't treat her right, and that's the reason why she left me. So do yourself a favor and treat your girl right. You might think walking will be your only challenge, but life will bring you many more unexpected hardships. Don't ever give up on her if she really means that much to you." The man patted me on the back.

If I could to back and tell my younger self how to do things differently, I wouldn't hesitate, so I completely understand this man's plea to me. I was going to head his warning, and never give up on Jolie, not that I'd ever imagine I would.

"She means everything to me, sir." I said.

"Good, so are you ready to try to walk again, to show this girl of yours what you did for her?" He walked onto the side of me, placing a walker in front of me.


Breathing in deeply, like I was preparing to a shoot a gun, I braced myself for the sudden impact.

I'm one swift movement, I placed my hands simultaneously on the arm rests, using all my upper body strength to stand. I switched my hands from the chair to the walker, my back begging me to sit back down. I felt like my skin was peeling off like on House of Wax, but I tried to maintain my position with my upper body strength. I knew I'd have to use the muscles in my back sooner or later, but I'd settle for being a little crooked for a while. At least I'm up and standing.

"3, 2, 1. Perfect, let's ease you back down. You did it, my friend."

Yes, I had successfully stood up, and back down, without falling on the floor. It was exciting to see some improvement in my condition and I couldn't wait to Jolie what I had accomplished.


I stood in front of Jolie's doorway, waiting for her to turn to the door and notice me. I wanted her to be surprised, which is why I didn't knock on the door, but if she didn't turn around soon, I was going to fall back into my chair and I definitely didn't want her seeing me fall.

To much relief, Jolie's face turned to the door, her eyes towards my face and then down at my bare feet. Her mouth opened wide, along with her eyes. Her mouth finally sewed shut and there came that big smile I had missed all day. Staying in therapy for six hours just to stand was all worth it seeing her reaction.

"Jobe, you're walking! This is why you've been incognito all day?"

"Yes, I wanted to surprise you." I smiled, easing back in the chair with the help of the therapist. The therapist sent me a wink, before rolling me into the room and giving us some time to ourselves.

"I am surprised, and it's great news; I just want to make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard. You have some serious injuries."

"I'm not pushing myself too hard. I'm working with a therapist and he's making sure I don't do anything I'm not ready for." I said.

"Good, then. Well, I'm so happy you're healing properly."

I smiled, grabbing her hand in mine, brushing my lips against her skin. God, I missed kissing her.

"It's not hard to heal when you have someone to heal for."

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