33. News Travels Like A Bullet

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Jolie's POV:

"Everyone knows!"

"Everyone knows what?"

I flipped through a Better Homes magazine, waiting patiently as my stylist snipped the dead ends of my hair. Sitting next to me on her swivel chair was Candy, not as calm as I was.

"I posted a picture yesterday, unintentionally and everyone saw my ugly hairdo. God, I'm such an idiot! Just behead me and burn me at the stake; I can't take this misery any longer!"

Candy, with her clumsy nature, had an accident while chewing her gum, yes, gum. She was popping bubbles with her Big Red and she suddenly needed to sneeze, in turn, the gum landed right into her bangs. She came to the salon to snip them, begged me, actually, to fit her in at my salon during my appointment. Luckily, I was only trimming my locks, so my stylist, Miss Keely, was able to fit Candy in.

"We're in the twenty-first century; I'll just waterboard you instead." I teased.

"Please do." Candy examined her hair in a portable mirror, turning it away with disgust.

"Oh, it's not that bad. Stop being so dramatic."

"I would stop being so dramatic if I stop getting such rude comments about my hair. I deleted the picture offline, yet I'm still managing to get rude comments from people." Candy groaned.

"Haven't they heard of cyber bullying? There's much more to do on the Internet than to talk about your hair. I'd consider it a compliment that they're trying so hard to insult you." I tried to cheer the little drama queen up.

"Right, I hate bullies. Speaking of bullies, I still cannot fathom what happened in pilates class. Lisa Montes is a spiteful troll and I wish she'd get gum stuck in her hair."

I hated when Lisa was mentioned; not only is she an 'itch' with a capital 'B', but she was also associated with Jobe Boston, and the thought of that could make my black hair turn grey.

"Hello, earth to Jolie." Candy leaned over her chair, trying to get my attention without bothering the stylist, who was trimming her split ends at the moment.

"What?" I came back to life.

"You zoned out; you've been doing that a lot lately. Is it because of a certain someone named Jobe Boston?" She winked.

"Can I tell you something? But promise me you won't overreact." I took a deep breath.

"Pinky promise."  Candy stuck her hand out from the leopard cape cloth and signaled her left pinky. I hooked her pinky with mine, then licked my lips before talking.

"We were at my house watching Transformers and keeping an eye on his younger sister. Well, when Avie fell asleep, Jobe and I were left alone, and uhm..."

"Did he try to get under her shirt?"

"What? No! I don't know exactly what was happening, it's all so fuzzy, but he thought I had something on me so he tried to brush it off. He was touching my shoulders and my neck. We got really close, and I know it might have only been me who was hyperventilating, but my God. I couldn't control myself; what is happening to me."

"Girl, you like him; it's normal. I know it's been a while since you've felt that way about someone, but you can't control who you fall for."

I sat motionlessly in the salon chair, thinking and contemplating my sense of sanity.

"Holy hell." Candy startled me from my daydreams again.

"What?" I asked.

"Julia told Anne, that told Cheri, and from there got on the Internet that Jobe Boston and Andy Patrick got into a huge fight. They're saying it's the worst feud since Drake Bell and Josh Peck. At first, I didn't know who they were talking about so I had to read through fifty comments to get to a name."

"A fight? What kind of fight and what about?" Wow, news does travel faster than a bullet. I was shocked beyond belief that those two would get into a fight. They were best friends, so it must have been something bad.

"It says they got into a fist fight, that Andy showed up to another buddy's house bloodied and beaten. They're not saying what it's about; it doesn't seem like Andy is saying much." Candy continued to scroll down her screen on her phone, but finally came up with not much more answers to our dying questions.

"It have no idea what it's about. But you're close to Jobe; why don't you go see what all the ruckus is about?" She pleaded.

"I'm not going to be nosy, but I do think I should check on him. If Andy is bruised, I can imagine what Jobe is going to look like." I was more than worried about Jobe.

"Would you like me to drop you off when we're done here?" Candy offered.

"That'll be great."


"Good luck in there. I'll wait in the car until you give me the signal to leave." Candy was a great friend, but a great friend who loves drama. She was probably waiting in her jeep just so that she can get a good look at how badly Jobe was injured.

I walked over to the driveway, the sun beating against my neck. Like my neck wasn't bothering me enough, due to the few pieces of hair that I needed to wash off from my newly trimmed look.

As I got closer, it was easy to tell there was no vehicles in the driveway, not even the maid's.

I was beginning to worry; the thought of Jobe being dead in a pool somewhere came to mind. Why do I always have to think the worst?

I jogged back to Candy's jeep, hiking myself up to get into the passenger seat.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her apple smelling shampoo whispering in the wind towards me.

"He's not there; no one is there. Do you think we could ride around for a while?"

"Anything to help a sista."

Candy Lane was officially the greatest.

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