43. Leaving Nottington

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Jolie's POV:

It took me some time to process I wasn't dreaming when I woke up in the familiar arms of Jobe Boston.

The sun was beginning to rise, it's rays casting down on the dusty window seal and speckles of light making it easier to see. But I didn't need to see to know that Jobe was holding me close. You would think a big man like Jobe would have smothered me; my face should be squashed in the pillow, but on the contrary. I was very nice and cozy by a shirtless Jobe, his warm skin melting my heart once more. To my displeasure, I knew I had to get up before he saw us laying like this. 

I moved my arm from under his, trying to pull myself up. I was immediately brought back down by a strong hand gripping my tank. Jobe sighed, smacking his lips in his slumber.

It was a relatively cool morning, and i hated having to wake him up while he was getting some much needed sleep, but I had to. I hated to wake him up, but we had to be on the road soon if we'd ever make it to Houston.

"Jobe, wake up." I called out, trying my best to undo myself from his grasp.

I saw a glint of movement in his eyes, his black eyelashes fluttering open. His blue eyes looked around the room, then settled on me, his pupils enlarging from obvious recognition that he had been holding me. Jobe sat up in the bed in rapid pace, combing through his messy hair as he did so.

"Good morning." I greeted, easing myself out of the bed, my feet hitting the cold floor and almost tripping on the way out. I'm so glad I didn't fall and embarrass myself because these flat pancakes of mine couldn't help my fall.

"Morning, sorry I slept so long. Driving all day wiped me out, but I'm finally rested enough to keep going." He said.

"I'm ready to go to too." I agreed.

Including today, there were three days left until surgery and the anticipation couldn't be worse. For better or worse, my life was going to change.

"Good thing we didn't unpack anything; we're already ready to go." Jobe threw on his shirt from the ground, wearing it for a second day in a row. Well, if he wasn't changing into something new, neither was I.

I quickly ran into our separate bathroom, taking my time to brush my teeth. Jobe followed suit, and after we were prepped, we grabbed our luggage and set them in the lobby before grabbing some breakfast to go. After packing a few apples and slices of toast, we changed our direction back into the lobby to grab our things. While checking out, we were greeted with Sheila once again. I watched as she took our room keys, clicked a few characters on her keyboard, then headed us a simple thank you receipt.

"I hope you two had a wonderful time. It was nice having yoi here and I hope to see you again."

"You too." Jobe and I said in unison.

Before I grabbed the front door, the lady called out.

"Oh miss, there seems to be a problem with your shirt." She said.

Oh no, did I spill some breakfast on my shirt? As I looked closer, I noticed my tank top was a clean bleach - colored white, perfectly in good condition. The problem lied in the straps of my shirt; one of the spaghetti straps had mysteriously been ripped in half.

"Oh, thanks for telling me. I don't know how that happened." I said.

"Maybe Oxford's wife was messing with you." She laughed, but in my mind, it was a loud boisterous cackle.

Okay, this place is giving me the creeps.

"Let's get out of here, Jobe." Jobe and I rushed out of Nottington, wasting no time in peeling out of the driveway in Jobe's truck.

"I think we can both agree that plantations aren't our thing." It's funny, now that I think about it, but it wasn't a few seconds ago.

"Definitely not. At least we got some sleep last night." Jobe was correct in his statement. I slept like a baby in Jobe's arms, and if the only way I could get that great of sleep, I might have to rethink staying in a scary plantation again.

"True." I nodded.

"I'm going to take the next right and put some gas before we head out. Would you like some snacks?"

We might have packed breakfast, but I think candy would suit my stomach better. Besides, I was going to have to fast in a few days due to surgery, so I was going to eat all I could eat before then.

"Sure. I'll could use a snack."

One snack turned into three snacks, a bag of chips, a gas station pizza, and a large strawberry Icee. I didn't get a lude remark from Jobe, as I assumed he was getting used to my terrible eating habits.

"Dang, I should have never given you that sausage poboy when I first met you. Now you've gone off the edge." He chuckled, while carrying his own pile of snacks to the counter.

"What can I say? I'm a growing girl." I said as I slurped my drink before paying for it.

"I can't tell. You're still tiny." He patted me on the head. Short jokes were not called for!

"Don't be rude! I am not tiny; I am compact!" I hissed.

"I'm just kidding. You're perfect size."

"That's what I thought. But just for your crude comments, the food is on you. I'll go sit in the truck while you pay." I smiled.

"You're killing me; so aggressive." He shook his head, walking up to the checkout counter. The cashier seemed the least bit interested in our conversation, scanning the items before Jobe had set everything down.

"You like it." I teased.

He laughed, throwing back his head at my comment. Before paying, he turned back around to reply, whispering.

"Now you know my secret."

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