30. Big Decisions

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Jobe's POV:

I was getting calls like crazy from Andy Patrick. He desperately wanted to speak to Jolie, but supposedly she wasn't answering his calls. On the first call, I told Andy she was probably just busy, but the calls continued to come my way. One after another, I ignored. At one point, I did check on Jolie to make sure she was okay, and when she answered my phone call, it was clear she was ignoring Andy, and I couldn't blame her. Either way, I was glad I had called to check up on her. Jolie was doing fine the day after dialysis, but she was a little weak, nothing out of the ordinary, she said.

I probably sounded like a fool, calling her all the time to check up on her, but brand me whatever you please; I was her fool.

After numbers calls from Andy, he finally gave up on calling me and began to text me, all of which were about Jolie except for one. The last text was in regards to a tuition change for our senior fall semester.

I decided to grab my laptop and check it out for myself. The tuition never failed to rise every year, and this year was no exception. The tuition went up five thousand dollars, which was no surprise. I logged into my university email to confirm the tuition change, then came across an email to confirm my classes for the fall.

My father's stern words rang in my ear telling me not to change my future, then there was Jolie's voice telling me to do what makes me happy. Being a lawyer had never been in my plans, but according to my father, it was the only path to a successful future, not to mention his only way to carry the business down to me. I wasn't the son he wanted, I know, but that shouldn't make him any less proud of any given future I might have. I was a hands-on type of man; I liked to fix things that were broken, to make things that no one else can think of making. I didn't want to sit in an office filing paperwork, and defending clients who may or may not be innocent. The answer was clear on what I had to do; I had to change my major and start from scratch. In a click of a few buttons, I could out my future into my own hands...that's if my father didn't cut the off first.

As I started to look into finding the right fit of classes, my sister Avie jumped into my bed, snaking her arms from behind and over to my neck.

"Hey, girl." Avie had spent the night again since my father was working late.

"Hi, I'm bored." She groaned.

"Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm Jobe." It was a total dad joke, but I said it regardless.

"Very funny, Jobe. I meant I'm bored and I want to do something. Can we go see Jolie? Please, please, please!" She begged.

I moved my laptop away from my lap, then placed Avie in front of me so we could talk.

"Jolie isn't feeling well today, Avie, but I'll bring you tomorrow or something. Plus, I'm busy with college stuff."

"What college stuff?" She pouted.

"Big boy classes, Avie. Signing up for classes ten times harder than elementary." I told Avie.

"Oh, can I help?" She asked.

I took a deep sigh before replying.

"No, I'd love the help, but it's something I have to do alone. Why don't you go down to the kitchen and I'll be there in a little while to get you a sandwich?" I needed just a bit longer alone to collect my thoughts and get my schedule sent out to the school.

"Okay." She through a fit as she walked out of the room, nor bothering to close the door. I shook my head to pay attention to my schedule.

It was pretty much decided that I would go for gold and change my major, and facing my father's wrath was something I'd just have to prepare for.

Not ten minutes later, I finished my schedule and made my way to console a very unhappy little sister. As I get to the kitchen, there was no sign of my sister, only an opened door and a very distraught maid.

"Where did she run off to?" I started to panic looking through cabinets and closet, even though I knew she had run out from the door.

"She ran so quick I couldn't catch her. I tried to run after her, but my old feet couldn't catch up."

I ignored the maid's story, rushing into my truck to find the Avie.

This couldn't be happening. I had left her alone for merely minutes. How could she have gone out of sight so soon? What if some lunatic picked her up and drives her across country? No, there is no way I'd let my baby sister join a sex ring!

I drove around the neighborhood for quite a long time, asking people if they saw where my sister would have went. Of course, some lectured me on keeping an eye on her, but this was not a time for a lecture! I had lost my sister because I wasn't spending enough time with her, and because of me, there's no telling where she might have went.

That little girl was too smart for her own good, and knowing her, she could be anywhere from here to Mexico by now.

I circled my truck around the neighborhood once more, then parked back in my driveway, thinking about where should would have run off to.

I thought back to our conversation earlier when I was consumed into the computer screen, and that was when it finally clicked inside of my head. Avie had been complaining, not only because I was too busy to spend time with her, but because I didn't want to bring her to see Jolie Drake.

Well, I guess I'm off to Jolie's house.

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