37. No Hard Feelings

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Jolie's POV:

My last draft of the news article was officially completed. Since the time I returned home from checking on Jobe, I had been working restlessly on tying my story together. I never thought I'd get it finished this soon, but being with Jobe, even behind a closed door, had inspired me to pour my heart out on paper. They say there is no better time to write than when you're emotions are on overdrive, and mine certainly were.

When my eyes finally gave in, and the knuckles of my fingers couldn't move anymore, I finished writing. Perfect timing, because my stomach was near collapsing with how empty it was. I figured I'd go downstairs and grab some leftover pizza. The good thing about pizza is if it's cold, leftover, and a little soggy, it's still delicious.

I left my room, prepared to go down to the kitchen, but an unfamiliar voice stopped me in my tracks. The noise was coming from my brother's room, but it wasn't the usual heavy voice I was used to hearing. Instead, a rather mousy voice was audible through the closed door, and that same voice started to giggle. I assumed my brother was watching television, one of his most favorite past times. Being the nice person I was, I was going to ask him if he wanted some leftover pizza, also. We had a whole box of pizza left, and there was no way I could that all by myself. Well, I could if I really wanted, but let's not be greedy!

Emeric's hanging 'no trespassing' sign banged against the door as I twisted the door knob until the door creaked open.

I gasped when I saw what was there, and my gasp was followed by several more shrieks.

My brother was with a girl, naked, and very much in a compromising position. Both held a thin sheet around them, but the damage was already done. I was going to have to boil my brain to get this dreadful image out.

"What the hell? Don't you knock?" He screamed.

"Don't you lock your door?" I called back, holding my eyes shut with the palms of my hands.

"I'm sorry, Jolie, I didn't mean for you to see us like this without properly telling you we are together." How did the woman know my name?

Looking closer, I could tell that the Asian woman sleeping with my brother was the Asian from Kay View Hospital. She works in the NICU, and has been frequently seen while leaving the hospital.

"Great, it's not your fault my brother can't tell his own sister about his girlfriend."

"I didn't want to worry you. You have so much on your plate." Emeric said.

I slammed the door closed, not willing to hear any more of his lies. He was keeping secrets from me, as if I were to fragile, I couldn't handle him having a girlfriend.

I stormed into the kitchen, not very hungry anymore after the situation that occured. I was too mad to wat, and definitely too grossed out after seeing that.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Mom was supposed to be at work, but instead, she stood by the island, collecting three different types of vegetables and putting them into a pot.

"I had a cancelation with a client, so I finished early and decided to cook a little something."

"Oh, nice. I was going to eat pizza, but I'll only have a slice to hold me over if you're cooking." I told her, opening the fridge to find the box at the bottom shelf.

"Okay, honey, why don't you ask your brother if he wants a slice to hold him over, too?"

"Oh, uhm, he's...hanging out...with some girl." I tried not to mention the whole 'naked part', even though I felt like saying it because of how mad I was.

"Oh, Raven? It's nice that he finally told you about her; I told him you wouldn't make a big deal about it."

I closed the fridge, turning to face my mother again, who kept her nose in the pot.

"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me, this whole time you knew that he had a girlfriend and both of you neglect to tell me? How long has this been going on?"

"Oh, not that long, maybe a few months."

"A few months? Wow, I didn't know you both thought so highly of me. Did you both really think that I would be so unpleasant if I found out he had a girlfriend? Thanks, I didn't know my own mother thought I was that much of a bitch."

"Jolie, watch your language! That's not it at all. You need to calm down and think of what you're saying." She warned.

"Why? You shouldn't be surprised, considering I'm nothing but a bitch to the both of you."

Mom finally looked up from her work, wiping her hands on her plaid apron before motioning me to sit km the island bar stool.

"Sit down, let me talk to you."

I sat down, not that I had much choice.

"What?" I barked.

"Your brother asked me not to tell you about Raven, and I did my best to support his wishes. I would do the same for you if you had asked. Now that I think of it, did you ever hear me openly discuss your relationships? No. So, to be frank, I won't try to make excuses for your brother, but I can tell you what he did was for what he thought was in best interest. Emeric started seeing Raven, and things have been going well. He didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was showing up at your appointments only to see Raven and not you, because he truly shows up for you alone. Plus, he knows how hard your dialysis already is, and he didn't want to add more pressure, knowing that his love interest was only a few yards away. Like I said, I didn't agree because I knew you wouldn't mind his relationship, but your brother will do anything to protect you; cut him some slack. Raven is a very nice girl and has been good for Emeric, and that's all that should matter."

I hated when my mother was right. Although it was a shitty thing of them both to withhold the truth, Emeric was only trying to do what he thought was best. And it's not like we openly talk about our love interests, so I had to give him some slack.

"Alright, Mom, you're right. I'll forget about the whole thing, but don't lie to me again. I don't want to find out Raven's was pregnant after she has the baby." Mom and I both laughed.

"Alright, no more secrets."

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