39. Ready To Roll

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Jolie's POV:

After a colossal change in last night's events, I had easily forgotten that I had to pack for my trip for Texas. But having my own prom had beat packing, that was for sure. Jobe had gone above and beyond to make me feel good yesterday, and those good feelings hung around again today. I was on cloud nine, with the dozens of lights from last night still gleaming in my memory. And now, with suck a beautiful night behind us, I have to come back to reality and face the inevitable surgery alongside Jobe. It was nerve-wracking, but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. God, if you would have told me a few months ago I'd say that, I'd call you crazy. But my deep feelings for Jobe Boston were more than innocent, and I was far beyond stopping them.

"Getting packed, honey? Are you sure you want to go alone with Jobe? I can easily take a vacation and be there with you myself." Mom was too sweet, but I wasn't going to make her take time off from work, when she's already taking off for the surgery.

"No, Mom, I'll be alright going with Jobe." I told her as I packed my oversized suitcase filled with clothes and toiletries.

"Okay, honey. Remember to pack your medicine, an extra phone charger, some trash bags for your dirty clothes..."

"Mom, I got this." I interrupted her.

She was paranoid at her youngest baby leaving the house for a little while. She even hated seeing me leave for college...and I was still living here! I guess you can't blame her; Emeric and I will be moving on soon, and it has to be hard letting go. This was supposed to be a time where my parents would get to spend alone time together once their kids left, but now my mother is alone, and I know she takes it hard.

"Okay, I'll be waiting downstairs when you're done packing. I've made you a hearty breakfast for you and Jobe."

"Oh, Jobe won't be here for awhile. He, too, forgot to pack. He also has to change his oil and make sure his tires are good." There wasn't anything wrong with being extra cautious.

"Okay, I'll set him a plate to go then. I won't have him driving on an empty stomach. Don't forget I've set aside an envelope with some extra cash, and a notepad with a few numbers if there's an emergency."

"Thanks, Mom." I let my suitcase lid fall onto the pile of clothes so I could give her a hug. She rubbed my back as she hugged me, like she so often does.

"I wouldn't be your mom if I didn't worry. Now come along and eat your breakfast. I'm sure your brother wants to say goodbye." She said.

"Emeric's already up? Oh Lord, he's going to eat all of my breakfast before I get a chance!" I snarled as I dragged my feet to the kitchen to eat.

I rushed down to the kitchen, nearly tripping on the oscilating fan I'm the hallway.

When I entered the kitchen, I became aware that there would be no shortage of food. Mom didn't cook 'breakfast'; she cooked a gourmet buffet. There was hot french toast piled high like a Christmas tree on the fine China, muffins and donuts circling two plastic tier plates, bacon in a bowl, sizzling sausage still fresh in the pan, and a pitcher of lemonade ready to be taken. I'd definitely have to bring Jobe a plate...if I didn't eat it all myself. I felt like it was my birthday with all the special treatment I've been receiving.

"Mom, what's gotten into you this morning? I've seen you cool breakfast before, but this is awesome."

"Tell me about it." Emeric said from the bar with a mouth full of banana muffins.

Mom shimmied to the pan of sausage, making sure the stove was off, her floral dress flowing in the air. It wasn't often she didn't wear her work clothes, but today was full of abnormalities.

"Today's a special day. Jolie, you're leaving for surgery, and Emeric, you're leaving for tour."

"Tour?" I never heard of any tour.

"Yes, I was going to tell you before Mom blurted it out. I was asked to open for Carrie Underwood for the extension of her tour, instead of just one gig. Of course, she wants me to learn the harmonica and a few other instruments, so it'll be a challenge, but I'm so ready for it."

"Oh my God, Emeric, that's the best news! I cannot wait to see you on tour. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for you, and I'm so glad it's finally happening." I gave Emeric a hug, careful not to be too mushy and released him fast after.

"Thanks, sis. I'm going to be on tour starting tomorrow, heading to Orlando, actually, but I will take a flight to come see you on the day of your surgery." My blond brother assured me.

"It's okay if you can't make it. I'll be receiving post-op care for a few days, if not weeks, so you're welcome to stop by any time between then." I didn't want him missing out on thus opportunity. He's come along way from his addiction; he has a girlfriend, a career, and I didn't want to slow him down.

"I won't have that. I'm going to be there right when you wake up, staring right at you."

"Oh no, then I'll definitely know I made it to hell." I stuck my tongue out, only to be pelted with flying muffins.

"You're hilarious." He flatly replied.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you both so much I have no strength to fuss at you both. I guess I'll bury myself in work for a while until I can see you both again. It's sad to say we will be reunited at your surgery, but it'll be a bittersweet day for all of us." Mom tore my brother off the table, and tackled both of us for a hug. I couldn't breathe, being squeezed between my brother's lanky arms and my mother's overbaring ones.

"Okay ya'll, let go. A girl's gotta eat!"

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