32. I Warned You

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Jobe's POV:

An hour and forty-one minutes: that's how long it's been since I touched the most angelic woman in Kay View, and not once, has my heart slowed down from the jolting experience.

I was a zombie as I dropped off Avie with our Dad after leaving Jolie's. I was then left alone in my big house, with my even bigger thoughts. There was no sign of my maid after today's incident. She was so distraught after Avie went missing, I let her go home early.

When I was safe to do so, I yelled out my frustration inside of my soundproof house, wishing I wouldn't have pressed my luck with Jolie, because now I wanted more, wanted to use all of my senses to explore the whole of her. I wanted to touch the softness of her shiny hair, feel the curves of her mouth while I tasted her lips, and to smell the the shea butter on her smooth, creamy skin while I listened to her full approval of my actions. Her legs would wound their way around my arched back, her approval turning into a pleading grunt until I finally couldn't help but continue.

Oh dang, I needed to sit down; my thoughts were getting the better of me. I needed to cool down, get my head on straight. I was beginning to think I was going to need therapy in order to get my mind off of Jolie.

I was only able to relax for a minute when my doorbell rang and I was praying it was Jolie. God, there I go again, letting my feelings take over.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, only to realize it was Andy.

"Andy what's up?"

Andy took his cowboy hat off, then proceeded to wipe the sweat off his forhead.

"I need some help with my lawnmower." He pointed to the trailer hooked to his truck that held one of the cheaper riding mowers.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"To hell if I know. If I did, it'd be fixed by now. Want to take a look at it?"

I stepped outside, trying to focus my energy on the problem.

"I'll take a look, but no promises I can fix it." I acknowledged.

"I was trying to cut the grass before it rains again, but the damn thing is useless. I'm not one to give my money to kids, but I'm about to hire one to cut it for me." Andy said.

I started examining the mower as we shot the shit with each other.

"I hired someone to cut the grass once, but their push mower wasn't working. I decided to help them fix the push mower, then by that time, I decided to let them mow with my riding one to be safe, and of course, faster. Then the boy left the lawn in patches so I had to do it myself. I still paid him to be nice, but I learned my lesson from then on to do the job myself if I wanted it done correctly." I laughed it off, but at the time of the mishap, I wasn't very humorous.

"Awh man, that sucks. That's some shit, huh?" Andy left to enter his truck, coming out with two apples, offering me one. That was a first, considering he's always eating my food.

I shook my head no to the food, too busy on fixing this mower.

"At least the boy was trying to learn. I remember at that age when neither of us would ever touch a mow." I was a spoiled, delinquent kid, but hopefully that's behind me now.

"Right, so did you figure out what's wrong with the mower? I'm getting tired over here." He said, with a mouth full of food. It was already hard to hear him with the sound of the motor, so his munching made it worse.

He's tired? I'm the one sweating, trying to figure out what's wrong!

"I think I found the problem. Your mower was leaking fuel, so I had to adjust the carburetor to see if I could fix the problem. And it sounds like it's running smoothly. Why don't you cut my grass and see how it works?" I joked.

"Very funny." He laughed, still chomping obnoxiously on his apple.

"Well, you're good to go." I turned the motor off and on, checking to make sure everything was alright before tossing him the keys.

"Yeah, thanks bud. So, before I go, I was wondering if you've talked to Jolie lately? Man, I was looking forward to nailing her and she won't answer my calls, not one of them."

I tried not to let his comment bug me, keeping a clear mind as I replied.

"I have to talk to her; I am giving her my kidney. She hasn't talked about you, so I think it's safe to say move on. I don't think she likes you like that." I tried to play it cool, trying to be as honest as possible.

"Doesn't like me? I knew she was nothing but a tease. She's nothing but a sickly bitch who should appreciate having my dic--."

That was it; I was losing the little bit of sense I had left of the day. The ground I walked on appeared to be sinking as I lunged for Andy, knocking him down by his waist on the moist grass. My hand was balled into a fist, hitting him with the power of a thousand swords, knocking his apple straight to the ground, a tooth coming out with it. My hand was aching from the sudden pounding, but I kept throwing blows one after the other. Andy got in one punch, blood trickling down the side of my lip. I pressed his free hand in the grass, pulling my fist back, and swearing to propel forward if he moved.

"What the hell, man? She's just a fucking chick, man!"

I punched him again, this time on his ear.

I climbed off from him, breathing heavily as I tried to gain composure as Andy laid flat on the ground.

"I warned you not to talk about her. From now on, don't come to my house, don't try to call me, and get someone else to fix your damn problems. I'm done being used by you and having to listen to your bullshit comments. I won't have you treat me, and most certainly not Jolie, like pieces of shit. So get the hell up and get out!"

I spit into the grass next to me, attempting to clear my mouth of all blood.

I felt awful I had lost my cool, and in result, knocking out Andy's tooth, but I can only warn him so many times before I can't take it anymore.

"Alright, we're done. And don't think I'm not going to the cops about this. They will know what you've done to me, and I hope you get what's coming!" Andy stumbled to his feet, almost running to his vehicle.

He can go the cops like a big baby, but nothing will make me feel guilty about defending my girl.

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