15. Pillow Fort

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Jolie's POV:

It was, at the least, odd to see Jobe Boston on my doorstep; it was more odd to have received a call from Jobe's sister the next day.

"How did you get my phone number?" I asked the little girl over the phone.

"I found it on your profile." A squeaky voice replied.

"Profile? You mean like Facebook? Aren't you a little young for Facebook?"

"Daddy said I can make one if it'll keep me quiet." She stated.

"Oh, I see. So what did you need?" I asked.

"I wanted to have a sleep over!" Oh, this girl is too cute. I didn't want to say no, but I wasn't in the mood to leave the house.

"I'm not feeling very well, Avie." I tell her.

"It's okay, I'll come there. Daddy will bring me; it'll be so much fun! I'll make sure you get better!" The girl was as stubborn as I was, and I couldn't help but agree to her plan.

"Okay, you can come over for a little while, but only a little." Mom was at work, thankfully because she doesn't take hyperactive kids too well.

"Yay! I'll see you soon!"

I thought about calling Candy over to hang out also, but I remembered Candy was going on some date with a guy she met online, probably the millionth of this month.

Looks like it would be only Avie and me.


"Jobe, why are you here? I thought John was bringing her."

"Dad refused to bring her, said he was busy, so I got a call from Avie begging for me to bring her." Jobe fiddled with the pockets of his jeans, his head slung down and focused on the menace of a little girl in front of him.

"Oh, are you staying?" I found myself offering to let him stay for some unknown reason.

"I was going meet my girlfriend, Lisa..."

Right, his girlfriend. Why do bitches and hot men always go together? Wait, did I just call Jobe hot? Ugh!

Instead of begging him, like the evil angel on my shoulder told me to do, I kept my cool.

"Okay, see you later." I was beginning to slam my front door when Jobe's brown boot inches its way between the door and the frame. He peaked his head in the empty space, fluttering his short eyelashes in my direction.

"Wait, I can stay for a while. I'd hate to leave you to babysit all alone. Avie can be a pain, and I know you're still not feeling well. What kind of a guy would I be if I left?"

"What about your girlfriend? She's not going to take it easy if you cancel your plans." I can't imagine what Lisa would do if she knew her boyfriend was hanging out with little old me.

"I'll reschedule for later this evening, no big deal." I was glad that he agreed to reschedule with her. Not that I remotely like his girlfriend, but she, indeed, was his girlfriend and he couldn't treat her like trash, regardless of what I thought of her. Hey, I was trying to be the bigger person here!

"Great, come in. I hope you like popcorn and candy because I have tons loads of it. I was planning on putting in a movie for Avie, if that's okay with you."

"Is it okay? I love popcorn!" Jobe shrugged off his jacket before taking off his boots and following me to the living room, where Avie had already made herself comfortable. Instead of my normal, spotless living room, Avie had already transformed my furniture into a living room fort, lining the hideaway with couch cushions and recliner pillows.

"Avie Boston, where are you?" Her big brother shook his head, devastated at her actions. I motioned to him, nodding my head that it was no big deal; I could easily clean up the mess later.

"I don't know how we will ever find her." I out on a fake facade, acting as if I had no idea where she was.

Jobe and I both took each a side of the fort, easing ourselves inside the unbreathable area. On the count of three, we jumped down onto the floor, a shrill scream coming from Avie, and loud laughs from Jobe and I.
"We got you!" Jobe held his ribs as he laughed, his white teeth filling his face and his eyes slanted with humor. I never pictured Jobe to be so playful, but when wasn't around other people, he was very pleasant to be around.

"You did. You both are mean." Avie stuck her tongue out, proceeding to fold her arms.

"Awh, don't be mad." Jobe rubbed her back, hunching over to fit his long body inside the fort.

"Hey, how about I make it up to you? I have a surprise." Avie looks to me, but doesn't reply, as if she's waiting for what I had to say.

I crawled out of the fort without a word and a few minutes later arriving with a silver, plastic item in my hand.

"Here, it's for you. I was in dancing for a year and one of our dances required us to have each a tiara. I've never worn it since, so it's time I handed it down to someone that can appreciate it as much as I did at one time." I placed the weightless tiara on the blonde girl's head, her mouth dropping to the floor.

"I love it! Thank you, I'll never take it off." I was well-forgiven for earlier, that was for sure.

"You didn't have to do that. That was a piece of your childhood." Jobe insisted.

"It's no biggie. I don't mind sharing." I assured the both of them. Of course, I had to explain to Avie what sharing meant.

Still embraced by Avie, the little girl placed her hands over mine, taking me by shock. I looked down to her face, fixing her crooked crown as I did so.

"You share your tiara and Jobe shares his kidney to make you better, right? It's nice to share." I squeezed her hand, smiling at Jobe and then back to Avie.

It astounds me how smart this girl is.

"Yes, Avie, it's very nice to share."

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