34. I Thought I Smelled Bacon

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Jobe's POV:

Let's just say I was the least bit surprised when the cops showed up at my house after my fight with Andy. Andy was the typical wimp, who couldn't take a small beating, but had no problem giving one. I knew it was just a matter of time before I was sent to the station, but at least they didn't cuff me this time.

"Hey, J!" An old buddy, Oliver, who was in his third year as a cop, shook my hand as I was ushered in. I guess this is proof that I've been to the station too many times.

"Hey, you working today?" I asked.

"Nah, my shift is ending now that Drew's back; I'm on my way out right now. Why, are you in some trouble?" The old cop standing behind me should have been proof enough of that one.

"Oh, no, I can take care of myself, go home. It was nice seeing ya, Oliver." I could get myself out of this mess...I think.

"You too, J." Oliver patted me on the back before taking his leave. I was now left with Drew, the ferocious cop that drug my ass in here. It was a relatively small town, which meant Drew and I would be the only two in the police station, as far as I know. I could easily grab for his keys if I wanted, lock him in a cell, and run out of here before he had a chance to call for backup. It was a good option, and I was contemplating it for a split second, but like I said, it was a small town and he'd likely find me and the consequences would be far worse than what I'm going to deal with right now. Besides, I'm trying be a better person and if I make a mistake, I have to own up to it. I will not run away scared like Andy Patrick would.

Speaking of Andy, I wonder if he was here, or if he ran away scared that I was going to give him another good beating, and at this rate, he'd be smart to run. If I ran up with him again in the condition I was in at the moment, there was no way of telling what I might do to him. I was still mad at his derogatory comments towards Jolie, and now I was over the edge with his report to the cops.  Oh shit, Jolie! If I'm locked up in prison, she will never get her surgery. I was beginning to fill desperate, panicking even. When the cop spoke, I barely heard his voice, as loud as if was.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to sit down and fill out your report for our department." Drew slapped a piece of paper in front of me on the desk, a feeling of deja vu rattled be, like I was being punished in detention all over again. I felt like a little kid filling out papers, wondering if I could just bubble in 'c' on everything. But this was the real world, and this was much more concerning than a detention.

I filled out the paperwork, reluctantly giving him the paper, then taking it back from his hands.

"Wait, Drew, come on now. Don't you think we can come to some agreement to make you forget this ever happened? It was an accident between two rowdy pals, and you know how that goes. I can assure you it won't happen again, and it's not like anyone is here to see you shred the paperwork if you choose to do so." I smiled innocently, trying to charm the old man into doing what I needed. I was working hard to get this fighting business erased, for Jolie mainly.

"You know, boy, I might be old, but I'm not that old. I will not jeopardize my career for a kid who got himself into this mess." The man snatched the papers back from my hands and brought it behind the window that separated the waiting area to the main office. I sat there in silence, my head in the palm of hands and my dignity on the floor.

As if by some wild dream, I looked up from my misery and saw someone standing at the door. Had I dreamt her up or was it really who I thought it was?

"Who's the miss at the door? Is she with you?"

"She is with me." I gulped, nodding my head to Drew as he buzzed in Jolie Drake. Jolie rushed in, not a minuscule of thought before she spoke.

"I came as fast as I could when I heard you were called in by the police. How long have you been here?"

"A little while, just filling out paperwork?"

"Paperwork? There won't be any need for any papers." I wasn't quite sure where Jolie was getting at, but I was going to let her take the lead on this one. At the very least, I'd surely be entertained.

Jolie took a step towards the window, the only shield between her and the policeman, but I was afraid the only one in need of a shield would be the policeman.

"Beg your pardon?" Drew said.

"I said to go ahead and tear the papers up. How dare you keep Jobe for questioning when he has done nothing wrong. If his only wrong was protecting me, then shame on you for keeping him locked up in this room. Andy was the one who couldn't keep his paws off of me, so I did the only thing I could do and begged Jobe to knock him off of me. Things got out of control, I admit, but it was my honest fault for inciting violence. I should have never asked him to defend my honor, but I've been less than level-headed these days. I've been sick, in need of a transplant, and in that regard I have been out of touch with my better judgment. But Jobe has offered to give me a kidney, and I am most greatful, so if you take him to prison, not only will it be wrong on your part, but an awful crime to let a lady like myself fall to her death, while prisoning an innocent."

Jolie might not plan on being a lawyer, but it was clear that her defensiveness ran in her genes. She was a persuasive goddess, and I appreciated her all the much more.

I sat there, dumbstruck, as Drew torr the pieces of paper in half, not another word from any of us as I was set free. I didn't wast any time getting us the hell out of dodge, stopping only once I reached the end of the sidewalk.

"You were brilliant in there? I don't know how you knew where I was, or how you played it so cool in there, but you definitely saved me." I said.

"Who said I was saving you? Maybe I was saving myself. I'd hated to live without a kidney." She loved to tease me, and I was a man smitten for her charms.

"Puh-lease, you can't lie to me. You wanted to save me." I smiled, my cheeks hurting from how long I smiled at her. She returned the smile, playfully hitting me on the shoulder. Her eyes looked from my shoulder and then to my lips. Her thumb grzed the skin of bloody lower lip, then her hand fell to her side. Her rounded cheeks turned a light red as she stepped away, barely missing a stop sign that stood next to her head.

"Yes, I did want to save you. But since I answered honestly, I have to ask you something. I have to ask why you were in need of saving. What did you get yourself into? Andy and you are best friends and it seems odd, to me, that you hit him. Please tell me I didn't just save your butt in there for nothing." I knew the question was coming sooner or later.

"You're very nosy, Jolie, but it's a secret." I was joking, trying to prolong the inevitable answer.

Jolie played along with me, joking around while she twirled around the stop sign, then spinning her way in front of me.

"I'm good at keeping secrets. I do think I deserve some enlightenment because I could have easily kept you in jail. I lied for you, so now, you have to be honest with me." An evil woman she was, but deserving of an answer.

I grinded my teeth together, putting my head down before looking back at the brunette to come out with the truth.

"Andy said some choice words, some things I'd rather not discuss. It was about you, I won't lie to you, and in return, I lost my cool. I told him to stop saying all of those things, but he wouldn't let up so I took matters into my own hands."

Jolie turned my hands over, not commenting on the matters of the fight. She didn't try to tell me better of the fight; instead, there was silence thicker than the humidity. Her hands continued to examine my palms, the calluses against my fingers, and the scrapes along my wrist. She flipped my hands over, getting a good look at my bloody knuckles.

"You need to get cleaned up; let me help you." Her voice startled me from my trance, powerful enough to rock me to my core.

"Whatever you want."  The sad part was, I really meant whatever she wanted. Whatever she wanted, by any means, I was going to give it.

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