18. Smell of Fear

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Jobe's POV:

I was anxious, and not only because I had Jolie Drake in the passenger side of truck. I was anxious because I was going to show this girl, that I've only known for a short amount of time, something personal about myself. I didn't know what I was doing, and I'd probably regret it later, but somehow my intuition and better judgement fall short when I'm around her.

"Where are we going?" I secretly enjoyed when she speaks of us as a 'we'; she has no idea how much.

Jolie sat on the edge of her seat, looking through the window.

The whole ride had been quiet, but it was of a comfortable silence. Usually, I have to put on a little music to ease the tension when riding with someone, but Jolie had no problem riding in a truck and just enjoying the peaceful tranquility. It was endearing to see her with such a content smile as she gazed into the sunlight.

"It's a surprise." The look of dissaproval on her angelic face told me she didn't much like surprises, or maybe wasn't used to getting them.

"Are we almost there?" She whined impatiently.

I pulled the truck over to the side of a country road, finally reaching our destination. I jumped out of my vehicle and opened her side of the door.

"We're here." I said aloud.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking behind my shoulder.

"I used to come here over the summers. It's a recreational lake; it's closed until July, but I happen to have a spare key for the gate since my friend, Andy, used to work here." I told her.

Jolie held onto the door while jumping out, her eyes still locked on the scenery behind me.

"So what you're telling me is we are going to be illegally swimming? I'm not big about breaking rules, and anyway, I don't have a swimsuit." She shrugged.

"First of all, we aren't going swimming, per say, and even so, it's not illegal if we have a key. I have some spare clothes in a bag in the back of the truck." I closed the door and urged her to follow me to the back of the truck, getting out a drawstring bag, along with a pair of finished skis.

"Something tells me you're used to breaking the rules." She said.

"I'll admit, I wasn't always a saint and yes, I have gotten into some trouble, but I promise you that you can trust me."

Her eyes examined me, then turned to the length of the red skis, realization hitting her of what we were about to do if she actually went through with my devious plan.

"Water skiing, huh? Where did you get those?" She pointed at the skis.

"I made them." I told her.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed. It must have taken you forever to make them this nice." She ran her hand over one of the skis.

"Yeah, it did take a long time. I had to build from scratch. I had to build a plug, a mold, adjusting a foam core, and adding personal details such as my initials." I pointed at the 'J.L.B" initials embedded into the left ski.

Her hand raked over the ski gently, and I couldn't help but wonder what her hand would feel like on my skin, caressing my neck.

I carefully step away to catch my breath and get some oxygen to my brain. I should've thought better of bringing her here, knowing I'd have to be alone with her in private. My feelings are turmoil when near to her.

"I wish I could have a talent like this. But no, I'm pretty flat when it comes to being gifted." She laughed.

"Aren't you majoring in English? That's a talent if you ask me. Hell, I can't spell correctly if you put a bullet to my head."

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