32- Martial Arts Competitions

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Takashi's POV

I stared at the ring. Haru's 21 and competing internationally for boxing today. (F/n) planted a kiss on my cheek. I nodded my head and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

It's not very surprising. (F/n) is the person who trained him. Tanae and Tora sat beside me. Tora being directly beside me. They're holding hands tightly. They're scared he'll get hurt.

They believe the fighting can really harm us. They convinced (f/n) to stop competing 11 years ago. Me, I retired to teaching last year. Haru has been competing since he was 14, so 7 years now. The girls usually stay home. But they came to England with us for this. They're 17 and 3rd years.

The rings had people in them. Yet my eyes focused on Haru.

I noticed how Haru was taller than the last competitor. (F/n) being 5"1 and me being 6"4 I understand this. And if Haru underestimates them due to size, he's done. It was between him, Japan and the shorter guy, Scotland.

Haru is 6"3 and when they announced his height he's 5"5. I hope Haru takes this seriously. I glanced at (f/n) who stared at the ring with a slight smile on her face. Haru won international kendo last month. Will he win this?

He's 4th nationally in karate and 5th in judo. National and internationally 1st in kendo. Nationally 1st in boxing but will he be 1st or 2nd. (F/n) sees the hopeful side of this fight.

Tora and Tanae said, "Dad." I turned my head and stared at them. Tanae said, "How do you think this will turn out?" I sighed, "That depends on Haru." Tora said, "Why?" I told them, "Because of size. But if he underestimates him, Haru will lose."

On the flight home the twins sat asleep beside each other at the front section. (F/n) was asleep with her head on my shoulder. Haru sat across from me staring at me. He sighed, "Dad I think mom didn't like it..."

I shook my head no, "She's proud you're a strong fighter that can internationally fight." Haru's hands balled up into fists, "But I got second." I nodded my head, "Your mom got that a lot."

Haru glanced at (f/n), "Dad she still has the eyepatch on." I took it off of her and put it in my pocket. Haru leaned his seat back and laid on his side. Haru said, "Dad I'm never able to beat mom in boxing." I nodded my head, "Yeah. But one day it's possible."

I kissed (f/n) on her forehead. I reclined both of our seats and stared at (f/n). She's so happy already. You kids mean the world to her and me.

Haru's POV

I stared at mom in the ring as she put my gloves on. I sighed, "I'm sorry mom. I wanted to make you proud." She put her hands on each of my cheeks and got me to look at her, "I am very proud of you. It takes a lot to even make it to international."

I shook my head, "I should've worked harder so I would've won." Mom shook her head no, "It's fine. It takes a while to win. That was your first international boxing competition."

I looked up at her smiling face. She kissed my forehead, "I love you Haru." I sighed, "make it tough today." Mom raised a eyebrow, "Are you sure?" I nodded my head, "Yeah."

I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling. Mom beat me good. I couldn't last at all. I only got a minute while I was trying to avoid her.

I understand mom is really powerful. So I don't understand why she stopped. I know Tora and Tanae but still...

I heard a knock at my door. Who would be visiting me? I don't become a senior till next semester. I groaned, "Who is it?" I heard, "Don't dare say that to me." I got up and opened the door to see the fire in Tanae's grey eyes. Tora had one hand clinging to the back of Tanae's shirt.

I sighed, "Come in." Tanae confidently took a seat on my bed which Tora followed by sitting beside her. Tanae stared at me as I sat down in my desk chair. I sighed, "What is it Tanae?"

Tanae said, "Really? You had mom do the strongest today?" I shook my head no, "No, I just told her to make it tough." Tora said, "Haru your bigger and almost stronger than mom. She has to put everything into fighting and training you."

I shook my head no, "No mom is powerful. You have got to believe that. She has so many awards. So many trophies." Tora said, "Consider that she's 46 now. She hasn't competed for 11 years Haru." Tanae said, "Be more considerate!"

After they left I thought about it. Mom is getting slower. She's gotten more determined to block my blows. Her attention to me has increased. But is it because she's getting old?

I shook my head no then I slowly stopped. "I'll be strong, I'll protect mommy." I'm supposed to be strong to protect her. She's been so powerful. I need to be powerful for her.

Uncle Honey does judo and Karate. Dad does kendo. And mom does akido and boxing. Maybe I should add akido to my line up. Mom did 4 techniques. Dad did 3. Mom was great at akido too... But it's the self defense art. Wait, wait, wait...

Then I said out loud, "Mixed Martial Arts... MMA..."

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