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Takashi's POV

Both me and (f/n)s parents are asking us when we'll get married. So we ended up saying (date you two meet on in school). When we'd both be 20, the 3 year anniversary of us first meeting.

Our parents seemed to want it to be earlier but they we okay with that date. But right now that doesn't matter too much. It's (f/n)s 18th birthday.

I picked her up from her house. We headed to a cafe. I already turned 18 in the spring when we graduated. I smiled at her. She's so pretty. She had on black leggings and a (f/c) shirt.

She ordered (what you wanted) while I got a black coffee. We sat by the window and watched the people that passed by on the streets. She smiled, "I can't really believe I'm 18..." I nodded my head towards her. She grinned, "I mean (sis/n) just turned 6 last week." I nodded and thought about it.

I had been at the party. (Sis/n) was running around with 2 other girls, Sarah Silverman and Jomi Tatano. I just sat with(f/n) the whole time. I liked seeing the kids have so much fun.

(Sis/n) isn't to happy though cause she entered school this year. (F/n) was smiling gently at me sipping on her drink. She's so beautiful.

We had our stuff in comfortable silence. When we left we headed to a animal shelter. (F/n) went in and started rubbing the puppies. Her dad said I could get her a dog today. When we entered the dog area some workers looked surprised.

(F/n) was drawn towards a little beagle. She petted her while I read her paper.

Description: Rose is a beagle that is mainly brown. She has black ears and black "socks". Her tail and muzzle being solid white while there's white splotches on her chest. Rose is known for having a mellow personality. She's good with children and other animals.

I looked at (f/n), it already looks like she's in love with this one. Then we went to another one that caught (f/n)s notice. She stared lovingly at the big solid brown mastiff. I stared at the paper again.

Description: Brownie is a solid brown mastiff. She's known for being a licker. She's very affectionate but also trained to follow commands. As an example tell her to sit. She's sweet and seems to need a house where she receives lots of affection.

(F/n) kept going between the two dogs. I stepped out and called her dad, "Sir?" He asked, "What's wrong?" I sighed, "She's fallen in love with two dogs." He laughed, "That's (F/n). It's fine make her happy. I'll handle it. It's her birthday."

When we walked out of the animal shelter we had the two. We had also gotten them both (f/c) collars and black leashes. The lady at the counter looked surprised when (f/n) put her address on the forms. I mean it's kind of natural though. Her house is the least extravagant one on that road though.

We arrived at her home entering to see (sis/n) sitting with her mom reading. When (sis/n) noticed the dogs she ran over and began hugging them. (F/n) had a bright smile, "Okay (sis/n) this is Brownie." She pointed to the brown mastiff then she pointed to the beagle, "and that's Rose."

Her mom came over petting the dogs as well, "They're sweet dogs (f/n)." (F/n) nodded, "Yeah. Mom can you watch them the rest of the day while I'm out with Takashi." I love the way she says my name. Her mom nodded and walked off with (sis/n) and the dogs towards the backyard.

I smiled, "Did you ever name your fish?" She grinned, "Yes. I named him Bubble. Now where to next?"

I sat on a bench in the park beside (f/n) we stared the lake in park. It was about 3 in the afternoon. We watched the ducks that were swimming. It's so calm here. I gave (f/n) a kiss on the cheek. I heard, "So you changed your looks (f/n)?"

I saw the man we saw on the trip to visit Karuizawa. "You'll pay for sending my little brother to jail." I noticed the gun he had held out. I yanked (f/n) over behind me while I stood up. I went and grabbed the man. Making him drop his gun.

I held him to the ground and noticed a woman holding (f/n)s left shoulder. I noticed her shirt staining with blood on her right shoulder. I tightened my grip on the man. You better hope that (f/n) turns out okay.

When the police took the guy away from me I hopped into the ambulance with (f/n). I stared at the paramedics working around her while she had her right eye scrunched up in pain. She hasn't screamed. She so strong. Let her be okay. She's strong, so that should make it all okay.

The ambulance pulled up and we hopped out. Eventually two male nurses held me back. I was to dazed to force them out of my way with my skills. One said, "You can't go in there. It's surgery." I glared, "That's my fiancé. I'm really concerned."

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