26- Learning As We Go

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Takashi's POV

(F/n) stood beside me trying to teach me how to change Haru's diaper. We need another butler and a nanny soon. I kept trying but Haru kept moving his legs. (F/n) sighed, "Just gently hold his legs." I don't want to hurt him.

I stared at (f/n) like she was crazy but then she effortlessly changed Haru's diaper. How does she ever do that? Even if I watch her I still don't get it.

(F/n) handed Haru to me and I held him up against my chest. I felt myself smiling as he reached his little arms up towards me.

(F/n) watched me and clapped after I put a diaper on Haru correctly after 3 days. She smiled, "Good job daddy." I kissed her on the forehead. I love you so much (f/n). I picked Haru up and looked into his (e/c) eyes. I said, "I love you Haru." You both mean so much to me.

Haru is now 6 months old. We had a nanny for him, Mellony. We hired her when he was 3 months old. So now we can work fully. (F/n) is back to fully managing the glass company and teaching at the dojo.

I smiled as I drank my water bottle. Nobody knows what to expect from (f/n) this year. They're wondering will she come right back and reclaim her national and international titles.

Technically everyone tries to use her left eye as her weakness. But she's gotten so used to combating that. She can almost strike anyone down. I mean she's at the moment 5 pounds lighter then when she even got pregnant.

I watched my students trying to win against each other. I'm still the national kendo champion. It always kind of strange. I watched them being fairly evenly matched. It's all just going to be decided by who lets their guard down first.

Haru and (f/n) were sitting on the bed. Haru smiled, "mama, mama." (F/n) smiled and kissed him making him laugh. He sure does love (f/n). I smiled at the sight. We're a family full of love.

(F/n) smiled, "Haru. Please try not to go through those rebellious years telling mommy you hate her." Haru just said, "mama." Mama was his first word. He said it when he was 4 months old. Now he also known dada too. Haru noticed me and smiled, "dada."

I picked him up and spun around in a circle once then sat him back on the bed. He was giggling up a storm. I love you so much Haru. I patted his back and leaned in kissing (f/n).

I smiled, "I think he'll be a mommas boy." (F/n) smiled, "What makes you think that?" I smiled, "I don't know mama." Then I gave her another gentle kiss.

I placed Haru in a baby packer (where you carry a baby on your chest). It's just the grocery store. It's all fine. Me and Haru went in and I grabbed a cart.

I gently patted Haru's head. "Hey Mori." I turned and saw Haruhi behind me. She came up, "Haru has grown so much. Do you want help?" I thought about then nodded my head.

I dragged the list out of my pocket and handed it to her. Haruhi smiled, "Okay let's go this way..."

Your POV

Me and Mitsukuni were sitting in the living room as the door opened. I smiled, "Hey Takashi, Haru I'm glad you're home." Takashi nodded and came sitting beside me. He put the bag of sweets in the floor.

Mitsukuni came and got Haru from Takashi. Mitsukuni smiled, "You're getting so big. Are you going to be as tall as daddy? Daddy tells me you love mommy a lot. Mommy really strong isn't she?"

Haru was smiling and then he started hiccuping. Mitsukuni started patting his back, "It's okay." I smiled, "You're good with kids, Mitsukuni." He smiled, "Maybe. Probably cause I'm closer to their size. They relate to me like I do to them."

Takashi got up and gave Mitsukuni a hug. They'll never stop caring for each other.

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