4-Drama Host

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Your POV

I walked into the host club. I saw a girl speaking in a French accent. I stood baffled by all the stuff she was saying. The twins being basketball stars, Suou being a lonely prince. Haruhi being a bullied honor student by honey... The baby faced thug? And Mori being his lacky friend. Ootori already being perfect?

What? What's going on? The girl approached me, "Hi I'm Renge." I nodded, "Hi, I'm (l/n) (f/n)." The twins approached me. "Renge." Kaoru said. "This is..." Hikaru said. "The only girl the host club needs." Both finished.

Renge stomped her foot, "I'm your manager!" I took that as my cue to leave, "Bye Bye." Tamaki looked at me, "But (f/n) sempai I'd be so lonely without you... Please don't leave." 

I turned and looked at Tamaki, "It's fine Tamaki." Renge smiled, "Ah Hah! (f/n) sempai will be the babe! She'll never know love. But she'll be adored!" I weakly smiled, "Um, please. Renge I'm not a part..."

The twins cut me off, "She's the manager that helps in adjusting flaws." I gave the boys a glare. Tamaki smiled wide-eyed, "That's it! From now on (f/n) sempai will be the clubs, adjustment manager!"

I glanced at him, "Tamaki I'm not..." This time Kyoya cut me off, "Miss (l/n) there is information you don't want to be known. Correct?" I glared at him with my right eye, "You wouldn't dare to!" He looked down at his notebook, "Wouldn't dare to... That's interesting."

Haruhi grabbed my right shoulder, "Believe me, he will. He'll get his way." I shook my head, "But what could he have?" Haruhi glanced at Kyoya, "A lot."

Tamaki looked at me with pleading eyes, "Okay fine!" Kyoya smiled, "I'll talk to you after the club is over Miss (l/n) or should I say (f/n) sempai?"

I sat across from Kyoya slightly glaring at him. Kyoya smiled at me, "(f/n) sempai I know about your left eye. The scar, right down the middle. And what caused it."

I felt my eyes widen, "You wouldn't..." He sighed, "You would receive so much pity if it became public information." I looked at him, "No... please..." He looked at me, "I'm glad you see things my way. You can leave, see you here again tomorrow."

"No! Don't! Let me go! L-let me go..." I stopped screaming after realizing I was in my room, alone. Nobody was here. I was okay. I smiled at the thought, being okay. I hate that memory, I don't like reliving it.

I grabbed my eyepatch off my nightstand quickly covering my left eye.  "Such a tragedy!" My doctor said about my eye after the incident. I stared at my room. Smiling at the stuff on my walls. I went to my closet and pulled out a shoe box from the top shelf. I simply glared at it then put it back up.

(Sis/n) isn't even old enough to remember it. Mom hates it and Dad despises it. I laid on my bed again, "Not again. Never again."

I came back and was pushed outside after school. I saw Honey with Mori and Haruhi in the rain. The twins had their arms wrapped around my shoulders dragging me around.

Only thing is nobody needs to see this. I saw Kyoya and shot a glare at him. The twins pushed me away and Renge came up to me. Renge smiled, "I'm so happy you could make it (f/n) sempai!"

I stood against the brick wall after being handed a script. Who wrote this? "I'm always called a babe. But what if I can't see my own beauty? How am I supposed to know?" That's bad. I'm no "babe" to begin with.

Then comes Tamaki's lines of, "Oh but sempai you are such a babe. Your beautiful no matter what."

I mean I have my (h/c) hair short as a boy, like Haruhi's. I may have (e/c) eyes too. But does that make me stand out at all? Nope.

I saw Renge dragging Haruhi past the corner of the school. I have a feeling something is going to go wrong. I dropped my script beside the wall and silently followed them.

As soon I got there I saw someone pushing Renge. Based on it... I got behind Haruhi. And then it was like dominos... Renge into Haruhi then me.

Taking the brunt of the blow hurt. I bit my lip. I felt myself hit the film equipment. I heard some cracks. That's not good. I decided to be hopeful, just popped my back. That's it. It has to be.

Haruhi kneeled forward, I glared at the guys. I went to go towards them but my legs buckled and I fell onto my knees. I tilted my head and smiled, "Now now. What kind of threat do you guys make?"

Then Tamaki ran over grabbing one by the collar.

After that Tamaki threatened them. Kyoya smashed the film camera and Haruhi gave Renge a speech. Well, that's enough, I thought. I readjusted my eyepatch and went to stand up.

Then a shooting pain went through my legs. Well, I'll be here for a while. Renge had dragged of Haruhi with Tamaki and the twins following them.

Kyoya came over to me, "Miss (l/n) is something wrong?" I turned so I wouldn't face him. Yet was only staring right into honeys eyes, "(n/n)-chan... Are you okay?" I gently smiled at him, just don't say a word.

I heard Kyoya sigh, "(f/n) sempai we can't help if we don't know what is wrong. Come on we can go to the club room." I took a deep breath and as soon as I stood up my knees buckled again.

Yet this time I was caught. Then moved till Mori was packing me like a baby. I felt myself blush, "Put me down! I can walk." Mori just glanced at me, "No, you'll hurt yourself."

I pouted as he packed me all the way to the host club. I glared at Kyoya, "So you hurt yourself." Honey frowned, "Hey is (n/n)-chan going to be alright?"

Mori sat me down on the couch and Kyoya felt my back. He sighed, "You tensed your muscles didn't you?" I sighed, "Yes." He spoke, "Well you didn't break anything. That's the good part. But your lower muscles are still tensed. So you can't really walk at the moment."

I lowered my head, "Of course. Thanks." I saw Mori come over and pick me up. "You don't have to pick me up, Mori. I'm fine." I told him. Honey smiled at me from Mori's shoulders, "It's no problem, We'll take you home (n/n)-chan! Right, Takashi?"

Mori simply nodded and we walked out of the club room.

Originally Posted - July 23, 2017
Most Recent Update - July 10, 2019

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