Lets Find The Doctor (one)

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A/N This is my first fan fic that is not a short story. Please leave suggestions and don't judge too much please. Hopefully you guys enjoy!

Allison's POV

I woke up groggily. My eyelids didn't seem to want to open but I made them. I looked around to see a room. Well, more like a lab. It had desks full of equipment and buttons. It looked like it hadn't been used in years. I tried to get up but my muscles felt like rubber. I fell back down and tried to look for an exit. I saw a monster that read the time date and year.

13:07, March 05 2157

Great. I'm in the future. Well, at least I think I am. I hear footsteps and turn my head to the right to see a woman walk up. She had a green tee shirt, white jacket and combat boots. She didn't look like a scientist, more like a soldier of some sort.

"Oh good, you're awake. I was afraid it would take longer for your body to process the medications." Wait, what medications? "I'm sorry, is this too much to handle ? I can see you're confused."

"Where am I?"

"You're currently on an abandoned space research facility orbiting Jupiter."

"How did I get here?" I have no idea what I'm doing here so I need answers.

"You just sort of, teleported here half conscious. Do you have any idea where you came from or anything? Here, let's start simple. What's your name?"

"I-I think it's Allison. I don't remember really anything, sorry." She woman just nodded like she knew that already.

"What do you remember last?" Wow, she really wants to know badly. So I searched my brain for the most recent memories.

"A war. A big one."

"And what was this war?" I was about to say that I can't remember but then it came to me.

"The Time War."

Mysterious Woman's POV

The Time War. That can't be. That ended hundreds of years ago. Allison looked like she wasn't lying. The girl in front of me somehow knew about the war across all of time and space. She couldn't. Unless...no. It's possible. I fiddled with the gun that was strapped beside my hip.

"How do you know about the Time War?" I wanted to know but I had a feeling she couldn't remember.

"I'm sorry, I don't know." Great. I had no information. She just teleported on this reasearch center and blacked out. I tried to giver her medications but her body seemed to take a long time to process it.

"You get some rest. I'll be right back okay?" She nodded and I walked out into what resembled a recreation room. Is this her? He told me about her a couple of years ago but I didn't believe it. Of course I wouldn't. It's too crazy. That means I have to do one thing. I walked back to where Allison was. She was drawing smiley faces in the dust.

"I didn't catch your name. What is it?"

"It doesn't matter right now. I need you to find someone for me and deliver a message." Allison just looked up at me.

"How am I supposed to find them? I don't have a ship or anything. And who am I finding?"

"I've got that covered." I pulled up my sleeve and removed the time vortex manipulator I got a while back. I punched in some settings and covered it while I gave it to her. "This should pinpoint his ship. I'm not sure where you'll end up but he'll know. As for who, you are looking for a special man, unlike anybody you've met. I'm sorry if this is too much to handle but this is important." Allison nodded slowly.

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