Chapter 32 - America, here we come!

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One week to go. That’s all. One week. 

Today we are spending the day at a small fair. It started at 12:00, so we had gotten up, gotten dressed and we were now on our way to it. Mum was coming with us today, she had the day off work. We were in two cars. Connor, Shannon, Tristan and I were with Dylan. Amber, James, Caitlin, Brad and Marco went with mum. It was a short drive.

When we arrived, there were already heaps of people on rides and in the car park. The car was parked and we jumped out. 

“We have to go on the ferris wheel at some point today.” Brad said as he approached us.

“Alright, but what do we want to go on first?” I asked. 

“Dodge ’em cars?” James asked. 

“I want the red one!” Brad yelled and ran over to the ride. We lined up at the ride and waited to go on. 

We all got in different cars. There were only 5 other cars with our group. It was a small ride. The cars started up and I pressed down the pedal and rammed into the back of Brad.

“Hey! Watch it!” He said. 

“It’s called dodge em’s for a reason!” I laughed and followed the other cars around in the proper direction. A jolted forward, then looked back to see Brad with a smirk on his face. 

“What were you saying?” He said as he passed me. 

“I’m going to kill you!” I called to him, only to hear him laughing in return.

“Who are you killing?” James said as he drove up beside me. 


“Like a hand?”

“Be my guest!” I said as he drove off after him. I continued to drive around, hitting everyone I could.

After that ride, we went on one called break dance, where three people sat in one chair, and that chair was connect to 3 others, which all spun at different times, and then the whole ride would spin. 

After we got off, I felt like I was drunk, I couldn’t see straight from spinning and my legs weren’t cooperating. 

We spent the whole day at the fair. I’m not sure how since it wasn’t very big. The sun started to set so we went to line up at the ferris wheel. Each couple got a different compartment. Tristan and I went in second after Caitlin and Brad. When we sat down, the carriage started to move. 

“I’m going to miss you so much when you fly away next week.” He told me. 

“I’ll probably miss you more.”

“I doubt it. James and I will be the only ones without our girlfriends, so it looks like we will be spending a lot of time together.”

“It’s only for a month! I’ll be back after then!” Our carriage stopped at the top. The sun setting behind us. I pulled out my phone and took a photo of it, then held it in front of me to take a photo of us. “I have something for you.” I smiled. I opened my bag and pulled out a little Animal from The Muppets. I handed it to him. “As a little part of me for when I’m away.”

“When did you get this?” He asked. A smile on his face. 

“When you were on that ride that flips you upside down.” He stood up to come over to me, but because of the law of physics, the carriage tipped to my end, and he fell on me. We both started laughing, I looked up to him, then pressed my lips to his. 

We went home shortly after we got off the ferris wheel, but we stopped into a pizza shop for dinner. 

Arriving at home, we all wanted our own space. We all broke off into separate rooms. Tris coming to mine. 

Triplets with Bradley Simpson (The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now