Chapter 1- Just getting started

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I play a few notes on the piano before my sister Amber walks in.

"Rhi, what are you playing?" She asks me.

"Love song, want to sing a long?" She sits down next to me as I start to play the opening.

I sing first.

Head under water and they tell me

To breathe easy for awhile.

But breathing gets harder, even I know that.


Made room for me, but it's too soon to see

If I'm happy in your hands

I'm usually hard to hold on to


Blank stares at blank pages

No easy way to say this

You mean well

But you make this hard on me

Right before the chorus Bradley, our other sibling walks in. Did I mention Brad, Amber and I are triplets? Our names came from both of our parents. My name came from the Fleetwood Mac song Rhiannon. Amber, is our mums favourite gem stone, and Bradley, our dad wanted to name their first son that. We are all 16. I am 3 minutes older than Amber, making me the eldest. Amber is 7 minutes older than Brad, which makes her the middle child and Brad the youngest. We have no other siblings, there is just the three of us living with our parents, but we are all extremely close. You couldn't separate us even if you tried.

Anyway, Brad comes in with his guitar and starts off the chorus on his guitar. I played along and we continued singing, all of us together.


I'm not gonna write you a love song

'Cause you asked for it

'Cause you need one, you see

I'm not gonna write you a love song

'Cause you tell me it's make or breaking this

If you're on your way

I'm not gonna write you to stay

All you have is leaving

I'mma need a better reason

To write you a love song today, today


I learned the hard way that they all say

Things you wanna hear

My heavy heart sinks deep down under.


You and your twisted words

You help just hurts

You are not what I thought you were

Hello to high and dry


Convinced me to please you

Made me think that I need this too

I'm trying to let you hear me as I am


I'm not gonna write you a love-

"Sorry to stop you three at the chorus, but can I please get some help with the shopping?" Our mum asked us. We sighed before getting up and walking outside.

I have been wearing a cute floral dress all day because I've been inside. When I walk outside the London air hits me. I run back inside and grab my jacket before walking outside again.

After we walk back inside with the shopping, I walk to the big room in the back, where we have all of our instruments. I have my violin and piano, Brad has his guitars and Amber doesn't play anything, she just sings - and let me tell you this; she is a amazing singer.

Amber comes and sits down on the couch next to me.


"Yes Rhi?"

"I was just thinking. Did you, me and Brad want to make covers of songs, and put them on YouTube? If it's alright with mum and dad of course."

"I would love to."

"BRAD!" Amber and I both yell.

"YES" He yells when he enters the room.

"We were thinking, of maybe making a YouTube channel and making covers of songs. Did you want to join us?" I said.

"Uh. I would love to. But sorry. I have something else planned. You girls go right ahead with it though. You will be amazing."

"Alright. What are you doing now?" I asked.

"Um, not sure. What are you two doing."

"Nothing really. Any suggestions?" Amber says.


"Ah. But which one!" I laughed.

Hello all!

My new fan fiction!

Just to let you know my real name was based on the song Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac.

Hope you like my first chapter, be uploading some more in the next few days

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