A question

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I hope you are all liking the story.

I have a quick question. 

I have thought of writing a love story, not a fan fiction, just a fiction novel. It won't be based on real life but myths and legends. 

So I am asking you as my readers, would you read something like that? I will still be updating this book but I have this idea for a new book and I think others might like it, but I don't want to upload it and not have anyone interested in it. 

Thank you also for your positive feedback about this story! I am thinking somewhere down the track I might make a sequel, but who knows!

I'm going to try and update soon, but I am going away with my family for a week so I don't know when I will.

Also my twin sister (who Amber is based on) has now got a wattpad account! If you would like to follow her, i'll leave a link to her account in the comments since links don't work on this story section.

So yeah just let me know what you think of this new story idea!

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