Chapter 31 - Date Night

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In the morning -

 After we had dinner last night, we went to bed. We were all quite tired from the day. Dana slept on a little mattress on my floor, so that meant Tris and I couldn’t do anything which was annoying. But we were able to cope. 

 His arms were wrapped around my stomach and his head on my chest so I wasn’t able to sit up. I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. Occasionally playing with his hair. 

 It was Sunday. The day Amber and James were going on a date, and the day before we could view the video. My mind wondering what the video would be. I know the music since I helped to play it.

 “Rhiannon?” I heard a little voice say. 

 “Dana?” I responded. 

 “Rhiannon?” She said a little more scared. 

“Dana, are you alright?”

 “Rhiannon!” She said raising her voice. “Rhiannon!” She raised it even more. I pulled Tristan off of me and ran to her side, she was in shock. I lifted her and held her in my arms. 

“Dana. It’s alright. Calm down.” I tried to help her. 

“The dark. It’s so dark.” She cried. 

 “What’s dark?” I asked. Honestly she was starting to scare me. 


“Dana it’s fine. You’re fine.” She buried her face in my chest and sat crying. I rubbed her back trying to help her. “Do you often have these nightmares?” She nodded. “You don’t need to worry anymore.” I stood up and sat with my legs crossed on top of my bed. 

“Is everything alright?” Tristan asked quite scared. 

“For the moment.” I replied. “Try and go back to sleep Dana. It was only a dream."

 Amber’s P.O.V

A few hours later - 

The day was just a day of relaxing. My nerves got the better of me as I waited to go on my date with James. It was almost time to go.

 “Take your bikini as well.” He smirked. I gave him a confused look. I grabbed my jeans, grey top and a baggy woollen jumper, putting my bikini on underneath. “I have to go and get some things ready. I’ll text you directions on where to go.” He said and kissed me before leaving my room. I waited a little while before going down stairs with my phone, holding it in my hand as I waited for his first text. I sat with Rhiannon, Caitlin, Tristan and Brad as I waited. Connor and Shannon were in the front room. 

 “Excited?” Rhi asked. 

 “And nervous!” I responded. 

“You don’t need to be. You’ll love it!” Tristan said. 

“Do you know what he’s planned?” I asked. 

“Yeah. Well, he asked us for advice on it.” Brad commented. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. 

Walk out the backyard, and through the back fence.

“Well I got to go. Be back whenever he brings me back!” I laugh. It was still daylight outside, but the sun was setting. I did as the text said and walked out to the back fence and walked through it. On the fence had a picture of us. I took it off and looked at it. It was one of the first photos we took together. 

Triplets with Bradley Simpson (The Vamps)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ