Chapter 26- That wasn't meant to happen

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After the little gift giving, we went back inside. I felt over the moon with this ring from him. Maybe one day, he’ll replace it with another sort of- What am I saying? That is too far down the track!

I couldn’t see anyone when we walked inside. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. Everyone crowded around the phone. I heard mum’s voice. I dashed over to the bench. 

“Rhi’s here now.” Amber said. 

“Rhi! Happy birthday dear! I’ve heard about your interview! Congratulations! I will be home tomorrow to take you to the interview! I’ve also heard about your new friends! Looking forward to meeting them.” Brad spotted my ring and looks really unimpressed. Almost angry. Why must he jump to conclusions? 

‘Thank you mum!” I said. 

“I best be getting back to work. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Sleep well!” Mum said. The line ended. 

 “What the hell Tristan?” Brad said. 

“Brad will you calm down?” I responded. 

“Calm down?” He questioned. 

“Yes calm down. You don’t even know the proper story behind it.” I said. 

“Story behind what?” James asked. 

“That ring!” Brad almost yelled. “She only just turned 17!”

“It’s not what you think mate! I wouldn’t want to get married at this age, let alone ask someone to marry me!” Tristan said. 

“Brad. Will you just shut up for a second? It’s a promise ring. Not a engagement ring. A promise ring.” I yelled at him. He slumped down in his chair. “Why do you have to jump to conclusions? It hurts Brad.”

 “I’m sorry.” He said quietly. 

“I’m not that type of person. I’d ask for your blessing first. She is your sister, you are my band mate. I’m not going to marry her until we’re older.” Tristan said. 

“Can I see it?” Brad asked. I walked over to him and showed him the ring on my finger. 

“Take care of her Tris.” Brad responded after looking up from the ring. 

“It’s late. I’m going to go to bed. I guess Connor, you’ll be staying the night since mum wants to meet you? Shannon, would you like to stay as well?” I asked. She nodded. 

“I’ll sleep with Amber so Shannon can have my bed.” James offered. I went around and hugged all of them good night. When I got to Shannon and Connor I quietly told them the same thing. 

“I’m sorry you had to witness that.” I said good night and Tris followed me up to my room. 

“Well that was eventful.” He sighed. 

“I hope mum doesn’t react like that tomorrow.” 

“She won’t.” He ran his hand down my left arm, holding my hand. He lifted my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. “It suits you.” He said looking at the ring. 

“It’s beautiful.” I responded. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. 

“Come on, you have a very exciting day tomorrow.” He said. We got change and climbed into bed. He laid on his back, while I rested my head on his arm, my arm resting on his chest. He held my back with his arm. 

“I never want to let you go.” I said. 

“Same here.” 

I left a kiss on Tris’ cheek before getting out of the bed and going down stairs. It was quite a cold morning. I made myself a cup of tea and sat at the kitchen bench, my hands around the mug, warming up. I scrolled through twitter, emails, Facebook. Not much was happening. 

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