Chapter 3- Arguments and Tragedies

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I wake up to the strum of a guitar. Brad.

I walk down the hallway quietly. It was about 7:30am. Mum and dad would be up and almost leaving for work. They're leaving for the holiday away from home because of their anniversary, so they're trying to tie up ends at work. Amber would still be asleep, and Brad normally is as well. But why is he up?

I carefully open the door. He is sitting in front of a camera. Why?

When he stops playing I walk in.

"Good morning Brad. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just making a video."

"What for?"

Just as he said that Amber walks in. Looks like she had been up for ages.

"Morning. Mum and dad just left for work. They have to stay back late, we will probably be asleep when they get back." Amber informs us.

"Anyway. Brad. What's with the camera?" I asked again.

"I am making my first YouTube video." He almost whispered.

Amber and I look back and forth at each other then we look at Brad.

"When did this come up?" Amber asked.

"A few weeks ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't know how to. I sort of wanted to do it by myself. Solo." This hit us like a truck.

"I'm going to get breakfast. Anyone want some?" I asked.

They both shook their heads. I walked out of his room. I made my way out to the kitchen and grabbed a bowel and some cereal. I then sat down at the table and ate. I couldn't believe he didn't tell us. I kept eating. Then it clicked. That's why he didn't want to be in our group. I just don't get why he hid it from us?

After I finished I went back to my room and got changed. I put on some jeans and a blue tank top. I put my hair in a messy plait then grabbed my skateboard.

"Hey guys, going out to go skateboarding in the street. Do you want to come?"

Brad jumped at the thought. Amber sat quietly. She can't ride skateboards very well.

"Don't worry Amber. Brad can teach you. He is pretty good on skateboards. You'll be so good, we'll have to go and buy you one!" I said.

Her face lit up. Amber is more of the fashion styler out of us three. I am more of the mother you could say. I keep control. Brad is the troublesome child. He also loves to skateboard, better than me even. We have all been brought up with music. Our parents used to be in a band. Not sure of the name. They never told us, but after 5 years of it, the band called it quits. That's when my parents decided to settle down and get married.

When they were raising us three, they raised us with music. Giving us lessons from early ages, playing music to us, going to concerts. They are the reason for our love of music.

Anyway. I get outside. I see our annoying neighbor. He is 16 also, but likes Amber. She hates him. Actually we all hate him. Me and Brad try and keep him away from her.

"Rhiannon!" He said running over to me.

"Not now Ben. Please leave." I said hoping he would leave. I got on my board and started to ride in the street. When I look behind me to see if Brad and Amber were outside yet I see Ben running after me. I stop suddenly and he runs straight past me.

"What do you want Ben?"

"To hang out with you three."

"Don't you have something else to do?"

"Yes, but I'd rather hang out with you."


Ben sulked off. I sort of felt sorry for him. Sort of, not really. I rode back up to the house.

I see Brad emerge. He was wearing his black skinny jeans and a white sleeveless top. The sun is out for once so we can afford to not wear jumpers.

Next Amber comes out. She looks stunning. A flower top that flows, light blue jeans, her short light brown hair flowing behind her.

I skate up to them. Brad grabs his board and puts it in front of Amber.

Amber looks terrified.

"Come on Amber, you can do it!" I encourage her. I sit down on the curb, watching.

She steps on. Brad holding her hands so she wont fall.

"Alright. Good. Well done!" Brad says. "Alright, now I am going to slowly pull you forward. Tell me if I am going too fast." Amber nods at his words.

He slowly starts to move. Pulling her along the road.

"Lean slightly to the right." Brad instructs. She does. Without falling and without any trouble. Brad has a huge smile plastered on his face! I must admit, I do as well.

He starts to pull her a bit faster.

"Try kick starting. I'll hold your hands." She puts her foot to the ground and pushes off. She is like a born natural!

"I'm going to let go now. You try." He slowly walks back.

Amber continues to ride around, mostly in a circle, but she is learning.

"Amber!" I yell. "I guess we will have to get your own skateboard soon!" She laughs at my comment and so does Brad. "BRAD. CAR" I yell, with a scared tone in my voice. Brad runs to Amber and basically tackles her off the skateboard. He makes sure she doesn't hit her head. That car was going way to fast. Just as it goes past me I yell to it. "Check what speed you're doing next time you idiot!" He would of heard me. His window was down.

He drives back to me. He looked in his 30's. "Excuse me?" He says with a disgusted tone.

"You heard me. You almost ran over my sister. This area is in the speed limit of 60. You were doing well over it. Next time I'll get your number and call the cops."

"How dare you talk to me like that."

"Don't talk to my sister like that." Brad says.

"Don't tell me you three are related!" He laughed.

"Actually we are triplets." I spat. He had no comment.

"Why don't you drive off and try not to kill anyone in the process." Amber said. He glared at all of us before speeding off.

"What an idiot." I said still watching the car drive off.

"Amber. Your arm." Brad gasped. It was gashed. She looked at it and went pale instantly.

"I don't feel so well." She says as she almost falls.

"Brad help me get her to the bathroom." I say as I catch her. He grabs her other arm and we rush into the house.

"You're going to be fine Amber, don't worry." I reassure her.

Ooooh what a cliff hanger!

What do you think is going to happen? Tell me in the comments below! I see every comment and I reply!

I am still looking for someone to dedicate this chapter too. Comment below is you want it dedicated to you and why!

Till the next chapter.


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