What happened ?

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After she went with the Scheduler...
Jihyo opened her eyes and faced the Scheduler and three man who's sitting in front of her. The one in front has white hair and is very old while the second one and the third has bald hair and the tattoo same as the Scheduler.

"Where am I?" Jihyo asked.

The Scheduler bowed at the three men and faded in the shadows.

The three men stood up and approached at Jihyo, bowing in front of her. Jihyo gaped at them. "What are you doing?"

"Goddess of the Forest, Jihyo." the old man with white hair said. "I am Tree, and this are Flower and Leaves."

She almost chuckle on the names but decided not to do so because the atmosphere was tensed.

"What do you want...uh...tree?" she asked uncomfortably.

"We are here to tell you that your curse has been lifted." Tree said.

Jihyo looked at him with a shock expression. "What did you say?"

"Your reincarnation has ended because you acquire the most powerful cure, love." Flower said. "And that made you much more powerful that it's in you forever."

Jihyo smiled with joy. She can't believe what she's hearing. She wanted to hug this men with joy. "Does this mean I ought to go back with Jungkook?"

Leaves shook his head. "Not yet, you're not fully immortal yet. It will undergo in three years and when you woke up, we expect you don't remember anything again but that's for the last time and if you really love that man, if your love is as deep as earth's core, then you'll remember him when you woke up."

Jihyo was worried. "You mean there might be a chance that I won't remember Jungkook?"

Flower nodded, "Sadly, yes but you have to if you really love him."

Tree sighed. "Now go and rest and you'll woke up after three years with a fresh start and still the Forest Goddess."

The branches around Jihyo shifted pushing her into a large tree. She backed on it as the branches and leaves started to cover her whole.

"We are welcoming you to immortality, fair lady." that was the last words she heard.

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