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Jungkook watched as V and Jimin watched Jihyo through the whole day. What is wrong with this guys?

He got the chance to talk to them when Jihyo went into the restroom.

"Jimin, V, why are you looking like Jihyo as if she'll disappear?" Jungkook blurted.

Jimin and V exchanged looks and laughed. He knew instantly that they were faking it.

"That' so a fake laugh, guys." Jungkook said.

They both stopped and sighed. "Look," it was V. "we just want to make sure she's staying with you and not running of with some guys."

Jimin nodded reluctantly.

Jungkook stared at the two.

"Jungkook, let it go." Namjoo said. "They're just jealous because you got a girlfriend."

Jimin snorted. "I prefer to be free from the ties of demanding girlfriends."

"I'm not in the mood for dating," V answered.

They all laughed.

"How about you Namjoo? Aren't you dating anyone?" Jingkook asked and poked him at the chest as he pointed at a small girl with long platinum blonde hair and jade green eyes.

"Jennie?" V asked. "As in the famous Jennie?"

Namjoo shook his head. "We're not dating."

"But I saw you kissing on the church attic." Jungkook grinned.

"As in?" Jimin shouted. "No way! You're hot, Namjoo!"

They all laughed.

"She's a vampire so nothing's wrong with that. Vampire to vampire works." V commented.

"What did you say?" Jihyo asked. "Vampires?"

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