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"What do I do? What do I do?" Jihyo repeated like a mantra. She is sitting under a tree at the school's forest. She was so shock of what the Scheduler told her.

"Jihyo? Why are you ditching class again?" V asked.

She looked at him asking for help.

He came to her side. "What's wrong, honey? Do you hurt somewhere?"

"V, you're really a thief. Jihyo is for Jungkook." Jimin said from beside another tree. He approached them and grinned. "And you...V darling is for me."

V punched him. "Very funny, Jimin. That's so disgusting."

Jimin just snorted and looked at Jihyo. "What's wrong with you?"

She shook her head.

"Don't give me the 'nothing I'm seriously fine' shook of the head because it's really on your face that you got a big problem." Jimin said.

She sighed, frustrated, and looked at V then at Jimin. "The month turned to a week."

"What" The two boys asked and shouted. Jimin's face contained confusion while V is disbelief.

She smiled at Jimin. "Told you, you wouldn't understand."

"Mind to explain?" he asked.

"V can tell you." she stood up and pat him on the shoulder. "I don't have time and it's kinda a long story."

He looked at her and V with a confused expression and said. "Ah! You guys were lovers before, right? I saw your picture with V at his wallet and I know the first time I saw you it was totally you but then...why'd you broke up and that was like 2 years ago but you haven't change. But what's with the month to week thing?" he blabbered.

"You kinda guess right a little but that's just a little bit part of the truth." Jihyo said. "I'm going, see you...when I see you."

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