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The three day suspension of Jungkook was over and they were at the school park, eating lunch.

"I'm so hungry." Jungkook said digging in the food. "Did you cook this?"

She laughed. "Do you think I can cook? Of course not, I bought it. And that'll cost you big."

He looked up and said in between mouth fulls. "Can I pay with a kiss?"

She stuck one tongue at him. "No, you can't."

"Too bad," he said. "I would've paid more."

She laughed. "Pervert,"

"What did you call me?" he asked.

"Pervert with a capital P."

"You shouldn't call me that or else I'll be one. You don't know what a vampire can do." he smirked baring his teeth.

"Stop that, you're scary." she laughed.

"Are you scared of me?" he stood up from his chair.

She too stood up and backed a little. "No,"

He raised one eyebrow and stepped towards her. "Really?"

She stepped back. "What are you doing?"

He laughed and lunged at her.

She screeched and run but he was faster and then they tumbled on the green grass. He on top of her. They were breathing heavily.

"Are you scared of me?" he asked again.


"Aren't you afraid of what I will do to you?"

She raised one eyebrow. "What will you do?"

He grinned and kissed her on the lips, hard. They stop for air and he was trailing kisses on her nose down to her neck. She giggled.

"Detention," someone said from nearby. They're head jerked up and saw the counselor. He shook his head. "Detention for both of you."


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