Another Chance?

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"It's me." Jihyo raised one eyebrow at V. They sat at the cot looking at the picture that V has kept.

"Yeah, it's you. Totally you but you're paler. I guess you haven't been hiking lately? Not much more working?" V asked.

She grinned. "Now Jihyo's lazier."

He laughed. "Figure that out. I've heard from Jaebum that you've been sleeping at the gym and at the forest too."

She shrugged. "Not my choice."

"What do you mean not your choice?" V asked seriously.

"I have a month left before I die again and after two years, I'll be back but I'll probably won't remember you or Jungkook." her eyebrows creased as she said his name. "I won't even know where on Earth I will be next time."

V frowned. "About us..."

"Look, as I've said on the letter, there won't be us." Jihyo said frankly. "I'm sorry."

V sighed frustratedly. "I know that. I wasn't going to ask for another chance, I was going to say that let's not tell anyone about this. That we've known each other before."



"What's with him?" Jihyo asked.

"He's a jealous freak. If he found out about us before, though we didn't have us because of you not loving me," Jihyo rolled her eyes at him. "There will probably be a ridge between us and I don't want that. He's my best friend. And I really think he likes you. You're the first person he was interested in. The problem is, you."

Jihyo frowned. "I like Jungkook. I don't know but he's good and everything but...we can't be together. I mean, I can't be with someone. Anyone."


"I'm cursed forever."

"Can't you stop the curse?" V asked. Jihyo looked at him and grinned.

"There is."

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