Never Coming Back

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3 Years

"She's never coming back." Jungkook stated. He has an ashen face and darker circles than before. His lips lacked color and pale. "I can't believe it. It's been three years already. She's probably dead again by now."

V, Jimin and Namjoo stared at him. They can't argue because what he's saying is true.

"Man, you look like hell." Jimin commented suddenly. "Go hunt, you're like a zombie. You can do better than this."

V nodded. "Yeah, we can wait for two more years and look for her together."

Jungkook sighed. "I'll just ask the Volturi to kill me." he stood up but Namjoo pulled him down.

"101 Idiot is named Jungkook." Namjoo said. "You're not killing yourself and certainly you are fighting for Jihyo."

"But she's not fighting for me..." Jungkook said.

He raised an eyebrow. "How would you know that?"

Jungkook stared at the three. They haven't given up yet.

"She's fighting." Jimin said with determination. I can feel it."

"You have to fight too." V said with a warm smile. "Don't be a coward and give up on her. You should know how much this has hurt her."

Jungkook sighed and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Namjoo asked.

"Hunting." he grinned and went out of the house. "Got to be ready when she comes back home."

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