Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

I pulled into the parking lot of the doctors office. I had gotten home yesterday afternoon, from the tour, and I missed everyone, so much. Harry and I planned to Skype everyday after their performances at night, and because of the time difference, I would never be too tired. 

I got out of the car, and walked inside the clinic, seeing a waiting room with a few couches and many chairs. As soon as I walked in, a doctor came out from behind, and called my name. I followed her to a back room, where I put my purse down and sat in a chair, where she sat in an identical one across from me.

"We're just going to start with a few questions. So sit back, and just relax." She smiled, taking out a clipboard. "When did you first find out you were pregnant?"

"About a month and a half ago, I think." I nodded.

"And how did you find out?"

"Well, I took a pregnancy test: one of the little stick things from the pharmacy." I said, as she scribbled something down.

"And do you know who the father is?" 

"Yes." I nodded. What, did I look like a slut or something?

"And your age?" She asked.


"If it's not too late, would you consider abortion?"

"No." I responded, sure of my answer.

"Will you be keeping the baby?" She asked, looking uo from her clipboard. "Or are you considering adoption?"

"I think we're keeping it."

"We?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"My fiance and I."

"I see." She nodded. "Have you had any weird cravings?"

"Junk food, in general." I chuckled.

"That's pretty common." She laughed. "Are you planning on finding out the sex?"

"I don't think so."

"Alright, we can really get started." She said, standing up, and pointing to a lounge bed chair thing. I laid down on it, and lifted up my shirt a little, looking down at the two rings on my left hand and smiling. The lady put some jelly stuff on my belly, and I shivered.

"Oh, that's cold." I laughed. She ran a little monitor thing over the jelly stuff on my stomach, and looked at the screen next to her.

"There's your baby." She smiled. I looked over at the screen, and got teary eyed.

"There's the head, and the legs." She said, pointing to the screen. I couldn't stop smiling, even when she turned it off.

"So, you'll be having the baby in about four months, and if-"

"Wait, four months?" I asked, interrupting her.

"Yes, you aren't very big for being at almost six months, but you'll get there." She smiled.

"I just thought I had a few more weeks then that."

"No, you'll be delivering it pretty soon. Go back to the front desk to make another appointment, okay?" She asked. I walked out the door, and made an appointment. Then I walked outside, and to my car. I sped home quickly, and when I hit my first red light, I pulled out my phone. 

"Hey, how was the appointment?" Harry asked, and I could tell he was smiling.

"Great, I'm having this thing in four months." I sighed.

"Really?" He asked. "Wow, that's... soon."

"I know."

"I just miss you." Harry said.

"I know." I sighed, again. "But now I feel like one of those old couples, saying things like that. I mean, I'm only nineteen, but I feel like I'm thirty." I laughed. "I'm about to have a child, and I'm engaged. Harry, I'm thirty fucking years old."

"No you're not." He chuckled. "If you were though, you'd be the most beautiful thirty year old I've ever seen. And you're in the best shape for a pregnant woman."

"That's just it, Haz!" I laughed. "I don't want to be called a woman, but being called a girl or a teenager, makes me feel like I'm not ready for all of this."

"You are."

"Then what am I? What am I classified as?"

"As my beautiful fiance." He said, and I could tell he was smiling again. "As my loving future wife, and mother of our child and future children. As the girl, or teenager, or woman that I love. As my goddamn gorgeous girl. That's what you are. You are classified as mine."

"Okay." I smiled, biting my lip. "I think I can live with that."

"Good." He laughed. "Look, baby I gotta go. I'll see you soon, okay? He asked as I pulled in my driveway.

"See you soon?"

"Yeah. Bye, I love you!" I heard him yell, and hang up. I brushed whatever that was off of my shoulder, and walked inside. I closed the door behind me, and put down my car keys on the same kitchen counter where I used to steal the car keys of Liam, Niall, Zayn or Louis for work. I smiled, remembering all of them. I walked upstairs to my room, and opened the door. I looked up at the bed, and stood there, gawking. I dropped my phone on the floor, and stood there with my mouth open.


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