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It took a long time to get to the camp, but when we finally got there I was greeted by Savannah, and a nearly burnt down camp.
"What happened here???" I asked.
"Oh you know," Savannah said,"rampaging fire dragon, whole world in danger, average Tuesday"
"Ha, yeah" I said. I turned to Abby and Gabby.
"Girls, go see what you can do to help" I told them.
"Okay, mom!" Abby said as they left.
Then I turned back to Savannah.
"Anything I can do?" I asked.
"Yeah, can you help me look for anyone that was left in the cabins when the fire started?"

Since I'm a child of Hephaestus, fire didn't hurt me, so I went straight inside the Hermes cabin to look for anybody.
"Hello? Anybody here?" I yelled.
"I'm here" said a familiar, disturbing voice.
I turned around and saw Gaea behind me.
"You!" I said.
"Yes" she replied. Then she waved her hand and I saw a flash of light before I blacked out.

Luke's POV

Gaea had kept me prisoner in her lair underground. Yesterday I woke up here from passing out, and she kept me stuck to the wall tied by vines ever since.

Soon, she came back with a girl...it was Asphy's Aunt Tara.
"What is she doing here?" I asked confused.
"She's your first victim" Gaea said.
"What? No! I told you I'm not going to kill anyone for you!" I scolded.
"You don't have a choice" she said. She picked up a handful of some mixture from a nearby pot. By blowing it out of her hand, the mixture floated to me.

Suddenly I wasn't in control of my actions, I could see and hear, but it was like I was trapped in my own mind.

I couldn't move myself either, I watched as my outer self was let out of the vines and walked over to Tara, who had just woken up.
"L-Luke?" She asked.
Tara!!! Run!!!! I thought. I couldn't say anything, and she couldn't hear me, I was helpless.
Tara stood up.
"Luke, snap out of it! I know this, you're mother was like this to Veronica it's the curse! You have to fight it!" She said.
Instead of responding, I saw myself punch her in the gut. She stood in pain for a bit before reacting. She tried kicking my legs but I jumped to dodge it and kicked her back to move her aside.

Soon, something happened. I could still see, but I couldn't hear anything from over there. Then I found out why. I saw a weapon appear in my hands. My sword, Tsunami. I knocked Tara to the ground, ready to stab her.
NOOOOO!!!!!!! I thought.
"Luke, please don't!" Tara said.
"Do it" Gaea ordered.
I watched myself in horror as I stabbed Tara in the chest.
"Good job Luke!" Gaea said,"you are under my control now, nothing can stop this!"
And I knew that, usually after one of the opponents die during the curse the they go back to normal, but I was still trapped. In fact, after she said that, I blacked out again.

That was so sad! So since Tara is gone, I decided to let my sister, who created Tara, say some final words about her.

Tara was a good person. To all Tara's fans I am sorry she had to leave us. I do not know you, but I love you very dearly and so did she.😘

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