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"Guys, we have a problem," Erika said as she and Pyro ran back from the beach,"Nico saw me in the Iris Message"
"What?" The twins said together.
"Ugh, I hate it when they do that" Callum said to Samantha.
"Nicky looked over when we were talking to mommy because he heard her" Pyro said.
"Don't you mean Nico?" I asked.
"What did I say?"
"You...never mind"
He smiled, and moved on. It was hard to be mad at the kid, not just because of how young he was, but also because of who his mom was.
"Miles," Luke said,"when Dad gets home and figures out that we freed her, we're toast!"
"Luke, will you give me a second please? I'm thinking" she replied.
Luke shot his hands up in the air.
"We're doomed!" He said.
"Shut up, Skywalker"
"Hey!" Erika snapped,"nobody is happy about this turn, but it happened, so if we are going to get through this, we need to cooperate"
"Ooh!" I said,"you just got told!"
"Lee!"she said with a harsh look. She continued.
"Whenever something went wrong, there would always be someone who was sure enough to look on the bright side, and make a plan," Erika explained,"that's what helped us win"
"Who stepped up the most?" Asphy asked,"I'm just curious"
Erika took a second to think.
"I'm pretty sure it was either Veronica or John,"
"Guys, we need to choose someone to lead us," I said,"together"
"Lee is right," Lily said,"I think it should be Callum"
"Me?" He asked.
"Yeah," Luke said,"you're experienced, brave, and I've never seen anyone who does combat better than you"
Callum smiled.
"Alright," Erika said,"all in favor of Callum leading the team?"
And everyone said I.
Then I realized something.
"Uh, guys, we just got all riled up for nothing, we found the sound of the roar, we're done" I said.
"No, we're not" Asphy said,"I remember Mom saying something about Gaea, she was like, public enemy number one, right?"
"Yeah" Erika said.
"So," she continued,"if Gaea is still out there, she could be looking for Erika"
"You're right! And we still need to find the other campers!" Erika said.
"Oh, Mom and uncle John already did that about three years ago" Samantha said.
"Seriously?" Erika asked.
"Yeah, we're good" I said. Erika sighed.
"I can't believe it, they really moved on without me" she said.
"That's not true!" Miley snapped.
"Miles" Luke said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"Um...Erika?" I asked.
"Is it okay if I show you around?"
"Uh, sure"
I dragged her to the strawberry fields, Callum, Samantha, and Asphy followed.
"Nico has been kind of rough around the twins, he hasn't moved on" I told her.
"Literally, the only thing I've ever seen him do with them was train" Callum said.
"It's pretty sad" added Samantha.
"Why?" Erika asked.
"Because you weren't there, he was upset" Asphy said.
"And," I added,"he knew he could have brought you back, but. You know..."
"He was ashamed" Erika finished.
"Luke was strong about it, but Miley...she had some issues, she even tried to run away at some point" Samantha said.
"MILEY!!!" Lily screamed from the pavilion.
"What was that?" Callum asked.
"I don't know, let's go check it out"

When we got there, I wanted to pinch myself and hope I was dreaming. Luke, Savannah, Pyro and Lily were standing there, shocked. A pale, mossy hand was sticking out of the ground, and getting pulled in deeper.
"Miley!" Erika said,"what happened?"
"This weird whole came out of nowhere and she tripped, it started filling up, and then she started sinking!" Lily explained.
Just then, Jessica Zhang-Frank and Hazel's daughter.
"I have an idea," I said, I turned towards Jessica,"JESSICA!!!" I yelled.
She looked over, then came running.
"What happened?" She asked.
"It's Miley, can you use your jewel powers to get her out?"
"I...I don't know, I don't want her to be cursed" she said.
Jessica's powers were like Hazel's, whoever touches the jewel is cursed.
"That won't happen," I assured her,"you'll be fine"
She took a deep breath, and said,
"Okay, I'll do it"
She aimed her hands at Miley, who's wrist was now covered in the ground. It started to rise higher and higher, and soon her arm was completely free. She kept rising, and the moss all over her started to disappear. Soon, she came completely out of the ground. But she was asleep.
Erika ran to her daughter.
"Miley? Miley wake up, sweetheart" she said. Nothing happened.
"No," she said,"I lost you once, Miley, I am not going to lose you again! Please!"
Miley made a faint cough. She woke up with a jump.
"Mom?" She asked faintly.
"I'm right here, Miley, you're okay"

We all went to our separate cabins, and went to sleep, resting so we can be ready for a big day tomorrow.

Except me.

I climbed out the window, hoping Luke wouldn't hear me. He stayed in the Hades cabin with me while Miley stayed in the Poseidon cabin with Erika and the Ramos's. I ran as fast as I could so that the harpies guarding the camp wouldn't see me. And I made it to the Dionysus cabin.
"Hey, Asphy," I whispered,"you awake?"
"Kinda, why?" she asked.
"I don't know, just thought maybe you'd want to talk" I answered.
"Mm-hm" she said sarcastically.

We talked for about an hour or so. If the world was going to end, I was so glad I got to have that one moment with her.

Hey guys! This is a surprise update for you, I was taking a small break from Miracolo Haven to update this one, since I'm half way through finishing it. I hope you guys like this chapter!

In case some of you don't notice the update, I'm going to tag you guys to read it. Remember, if you didn't get tagged, it's not a problem, I'm just glad you were able to read it without getting tagged! Thanks!

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