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We had to get the third crystal first, but it was pretty easy, Miley went to get it. She was in, she was out, and we were gone.

The first time I'd ever IMTed (that's how Mom says,"Iris Message Traveled"), we ended up in China instead of Brooklyn because someone (*cough* Callum) forgot to grab my hand. But this time, we did pretty good. We got to Lake Winnepasauka, which apparently is a theme park, and the best part, we got in without having to pay for tickets! (Or whatever we had to do).
"Hey guys, look!" Lily said, pointing to the lake, there were people riding on paddle boats.
"We can get on a paddle boat and drop the crystals in the lake!" Asphy said.
"Yeah but there's seven of us, and only four spots, and we have to leave one empty for Erika when we get her" I said.
"I'll go," Lily said,"I knew Erika when I was a year old"
"Us too," Luke said,"we are her kids"
"Okay," Callum said,"get ready you guys"
I helped Miley into her life jacket.
"So, are you excited?" I asked.
"For what?" She asked.
"For seeing your mom again!" I told her.
"Oh, um...yeah! Pretty excited!"
"Miley, you can't fool me, what's wrong?" I asked her.
"It's just...the last time I saw her was 15 years ago, what if she doesn't remember us, what if she doesn't believe she's our mom?"
"Miley, how long have you been wearing that necklace?"
"My whole life" she answered.
"Well, your mom...she's been watching you your whole life, she's in that necklace, Miley" I told her,"she remembers you, I know she does"
At that, I finished putting on her life jacket.
"Thanks, Samantha" she said.
"No problem," I said,"now go bring your mom back!"
She laughed, and she, Luke, and Lily got on the paddle boat.
As they paddled to the middle of the lake, I came to Callum, who was watching them.
"She okay?" He asked.
"She was worried that Erika wouldn't remember her," I told him.
"Oh come on, that'll never happen! She's got nothing to worry about" he said.
"Yeah, Luke okay?" I asked.
"He was worried about how Uncle Nico would react when he saw her"
"Well, it is gonna be hard on him, but everything will turn out fine! I mean, it's Nico! He forgave Percy for what happened to Bianca! We're good!" I told him.
"That's what I said," Callum said. I held hand as we saw them drop the three crystals in the lake.

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