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Okay, before I tell you what happened next, I wanted you to know something about me.

My parents aren't married. I wasn't even supposed to be born. What happened is Drew put a desperation spell on my mom, who put a love spell on Leo, making him think that my mom, Teresa, was Calypso. And then it happened. Mom cooperated with Hera and gave birth to me on Olympus, which is where I was raised until I found the camp when I was 10.

Alright, that's covered, let's move on, shall we?

The last thing we told Erika about was how our parents were all helping Kio find Circe, and that she was the one that killed Kio's parents.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yeah, but we were only told the stories," I said.
"Our parents and you were the ones that lived it" Lee said.
"Erika, your like...a legend to us," Callum admitted.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Your adventures, your childhood," Luke said.
"Your thing for Dad" Miley interrupted.
"True," Luke continued,"Dad used to tell us all about that when we were little, instead of bedtime stories"
"All of them did" I said.
"Mom even gave me this necklace," Samantha said as she took off her moon shaped necklace with the star in the middle and handed it to Erika.
"That's the necklace I gave to Miley when she was a baby" Erika said.
"Really?" Samantha said,"I've had this since I was two"
"Dad gave it to Aunt V when we got the crystal necklaces" Luke explained.
"Yeah, sorry Mom" Miley said.
"So, Asphy, how did your mother have you?" Erika asked me.
I told her about what happened. I just explained it to you, you don't need to hear a second time.
"Asphy," she said when I finished,"your Aunt Tara is my best friend"
"I know, she and James have twins" I told her.
"Abby and Gabby," Callum said,"they're, what? Twelve years old now?"
"Eleven" Samantha corrected.
"And you two? What about you? Who did my sister marry?" Erika asked them.
"Our dad is Mark Ramos" Samantha answered.
"Her boyfriend? I knew it!" She said.
"My parents are Tori and Will Solace" Lee told her.
"You know, when we were kids, your dad and Nico were a thing, I used to tease him about it" Erika said.
"Yeah, it was funny"

She told us a little more about our parents, like if it wasn't for Leo, Tara would have never been in Tartarus. And that my mom found Veronica in the woods. She also told me that Mom was kidnapped by Nico when he was working for Gaea. That one made me and the twins nervous.
Soon we heard a dragon's roar.
"Is that Kio?" Erika asked.
"It shouldn't be," Lily said.
"Yeah, Dad said they'd be gone for at least a month" Miley remembered.
"Wait, didn't Mom say something about another dragon?" Lee asked.
"Starling?" I suggested.
"No, she's taking care of the baby dragons," Lily said.
"Uh... Jake!" Samantha remembered.
"Right Jake and Max!" Lee said.
"The fusion dragon!" Callum added.
"Max is a fusion?" Erika asked.
"Guys, we don't have time for this," Luke said,"we need to get Savannah and check it out"
"Luke is right," Miley said,"let's go"

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