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(Warning: this chapter has a very sad moment, please do not kill me for what is about to happen, I promise I will make it up to you!)

Alright, there's a good chance this'll be my last chapter, but let's hope I'm wrong.

When everyone woke up, we all gathered outside to make a plan, and try to get in contact with Hades. When Tori came out she said;
"Guys, what happened to Tara? I looked everywhere and she isn't here"
That's when we decided to go immediately. I picked up Luke while Nico got Miley. We all packed up and left.

"See you guys later!" Max said. I didn't understand what he meant, since he said he was gonna stay down here because of Gaea.
"Eeee!!!" Luke cooed.
"That's right, baby! We're going home!" I told him. He giggled as I smoothed his chestnut brown hair.

Meanwhile, Nico wasn't having as much fun, Miley was crying nonstop, and Nico was trying everything to calm her down.
"Do you need any help, Nico?" I asked.
"I got her, I just don't understand what's wrong" he replied.
"Maybe I can help," Savannah said,"you guys told me that Kio read Teresa's mind a few years ago because something..."
"Nico" Tori coughed. Nico slapped her shoulder with his free hand.
"...was bugging her, right?" Savannah continued. Teresa shuddered from the memory.
"Yeah" I replied.
"I can do that too!" She said. Savannah put her hand on Miley's head and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she opened them, shocked.
"AHH!!!" She screamed.
"What? What's wrong?" Wisty asked.
"" Savannah stuttered.
"What?" John asked.
"She, uh...she was just cranky, it gave me a headache"
"Oh, that's it?" I asked.
"Yeah" she replied.

(*cough* liar *cough*)

Miley was quiet the rest of the way, and we all walked in silence as we found the two paths.
"He said left, right?" Tori asked.
"Right" I said.
"No, it was left" John joked.
"Shut up!" Tori said.
"Jeez, just trying to have fun" he said.
Then we headed left. It was an easy walk, the twins ended up falling asleep. A few minutes later, we found the forest.
"Which way did Max say again?" Veronica asked.
"Straight, he said to go straight through the forest" Wisty answered.
I was the first one to step out of the cave, the others followed.

Picture a bunch of trees made of crystal, some were blue and some were a dark purple. And imagine a bunch of wholes letting light in through the trees. That's what the forest looked like.

I looked at one of the lights, I thought I, the day I killed Veronica in Gaea's lab. I watched with focus, as I saw myself stab my sister.
"Erika!" Savannah said as she pushed me aside, awaking me from my daze.
"What just happened?" I asked.
"This forest, it reveals both your darkest AND your brightest memories" she said. She kept explaining, but I stopped paying attention as I saw another memory. That night, in my mom's apartment, when Veronica was under the curse.

Tori's POV

I'm taking over from here, there's no other way to explain it to where you'd understand what happened.

Erika had dazed off from the memory again, and I was the first one to notice.
"Erika, stop!" I said running towards her. I tried shaking her out of the trance, but nothing worked.
"I was too weak," she muttered,"I couldn't stop her"
"No! You are not weak! You are the strongest person I know! Do not give up on us Erika!" I told her. Then I noticed something strange, her feet were turning crystal, and it was growing through her body.
"The forest is consuming her!" Wisty said, terrified,"grab Miley!"
I took Miley out of Erika's arms and went to the others. By then, she was a crystal all the way up to her neck.
Erika gave one more gasp before becoming a full crystal statue.
"NO!!!" Nico yelled as he ran toward her.
He hugged the statue, but not long before she broke into a million pieces.
"Did I..." Nico started.
"No," Savannah said, "that's part of it"
Nico burst into tears, and I went to comfort my brother.
"Hey," I said,"everything will be fine"
"Now I know you're lying" he said through his tears. I handed him his daughter, and as he took her in his other arm, I took my hand off of her beautiful black hair.
"She knew" Savannah said.
"What?" I asked.
"Miley knew this was gonna happen, that's why she was crying in the cave, she wasn't just cranky"
"How did she know?" Nico asked.
"Maybe she got it from her dad, knowing how her mom was going to die" I guessed.
"Nico" Veronica said.
"No, I know what your gonna say, you want to take the kids off my hands because you don't think I know how to take care of them," Nico said,"well forget it, I am going to raise them myself, and..."
"And if you'll let me speak, Death Boy, I was going to say that you have my full support, and if you need anything, just come to me" Veronica said.
"Oh," Nico said.
"Dork" I teased.
"Will you just..."
Nico was interrupted when Luke started crying.
"Shh, it's okay, buddy, we can get through this, I promise"

*cries* it's just too beautiful!

Okay, I'm sorry.
Like I said, please don't kill me for killing Erika! It'll get better, I promise! I hope you liked this chapter! And soon, there will be a huge time skip so the 6's kids can be older and have a part in the story. I've also decided that I'm going to make this book longer than I usually do, so there will be more chapters from this point on! Yay!!!!!!

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