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"How do we find Kio?" I asked.
"I saw her head for this weird forest" Savannah said.
"How are trees growing here?" Erika asked.
"No idea, should we even take that chance with the baby coming who knows when?" Veronica asked.
"I'll be fine, V, don't worry" Erika replied.
"No, she's right," I said,"you need to stay here"
"Guys, I survived the power I used on that Minotaur, twice! I lived through the first time Gaea did the curse, whatever's gonna happen can't be worse than that"
"Erika, this is a completely different thing," Wisty said,"when you're about to give birth you have to take it easy, it's bad enough you're down here with us"
"Okay, so what am I? A distraction?" Erika asked.
"E, no. It's not that" I said.
"Then what is i-ah!" She said.
"The baby!" Wisty said,"John! What time is it?"
"5:27...June 30th" he said.
"Okay, Will taught me some stuff, I got this" Tori said.
(I'm skipping this part, Cuz I have no idea how this works)
Tori handed Erika the baby.
"It's a boy" she said. But she was still in pain.
"Twins?" I asked.
(Again, don't know, skipping it)
"A girl" Tori said.
"Nico," Erika said.
"Yeah, E?" He asked.
"I name the girl, you name the boy?" She asked. Nico laughed.
"Sure, how about Luke" Nico suggested
"Beautiful," Erika said,"and her name will be... Miley"
"What about middle names?" I asked.
"Miley Nicole di Angelo?" Nico asked.
"And Luke Komodo di Angelo?" Wisty suggested.
"Why Komodo?" Erika asked.
"Kiodragon means Komodo Dragon" she explained.
"You know what, Freeman?" Erika said.
"I kinda like that"
"You know what di Angelo?" Wisty said.
"I'm kinda glad"
"Okay," Tori said,"now we have to go find Hades so we can get out of this dump, ideas?"
"The Doors of Death?" Nico suggested.
"With Tartarus himself guarding them?" I said,"probably not"
"Okay, well we don't have any other choice," Veronica pointed out,"I'll take Miley off your hands, E. You take Luke"
"Um, I think I'm gonna carry my son, thank you" Nico said.
"Please, I took care of Erika when she was younger than them both!" She said.
"Um, Veronica? I think it's best if you let Nico..." Savannah started. But she was interrupted by Kio's roar. Miley and Luke started crying.
"Shh, it's okay" Erika whispered calmly to them,"mommy's got you, here" she said as she gave  to Nico and took off her necklace.
"Erika? What are you doing?" Veronica asked.
Erika put the necklace around her daughter's tiny neck. It was a single black charm the shape of a moon with a star in the middle, and a few small diamonds in the middle of the moon.

 It was a single black charm the shape of a moon with a star in the middle, and a few small diamonds in the middle of the moon

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(Erika's necklace)

"Erika," Veronica said,"I gave you that necklace after Gaea put that curse on me, why would you give that up?"
"V, that's not the point, we just heard Kio, we're close, let's go" I said. I really just didn't want to stand through another fight.
"Fine," Veronica said,"but we will get back to this"

Okay, I asked Bob_Says_Hello_Stars and kiodragon to help name the babies, but I told each of them seperately. I told Kio it was a girl, and Tori it was a boy.

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