"Oooo, Bonnie is getting the guys," I winked and the waitor came up to us.


After eating a wonderous lunch/dinner with Bon-Bon, I went home talk to Jenna about the adoption.

I walked inside our house, hearing a sound in the kitchen, I assumed it was Jenna.  I entered the kitchen and saw Jeremy with Anna, his friend or girlfriend, I don't even know.

"Oh hey guys! Do you know where Jenna is?" I asked.

"I think she had a dentist appointment," Jeremy said.

I nodded and headed to the stairs,

*buzz buzz*

I looked at my phone.


From: Elena

Hey, can you meet Stefan and I at Salvatores grave?


I knew what they ment, they did say something about Stefan and Damons dads grave.

I texted back 'OK' and went to the Cemetery.


I found them at Mr. Salvatores grave.

They were shoveling up the grave to get a grimoire Stefan and Damons dad kept with him, I guess it would be the key to getting Katherine out of the tomb, but they didn't want her out.  So I guess I didn't want her out either.

"Hey, need help?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes, thank you for getting yourself into this, we know you and Damon have been close." Elena said frowning.

"No big deal," I carelessly said, and began to help dig.

Damon and I weren't more than friends, right? I mean he's getting his girl-friend out of the tomb so he obviously doesn't feel anything.  Neither do I, it's just fun teasing him that's all.

After shoveling forever we hit something, Elena and I stepped out of the hole while Stefan opened the casket.

I looked away from the skeleton, he closed it and had a big grimoire in his hand. The smell of dead carcass filled the air and I quickly placed my shirt over my nose.

"So thats what a grimoire looks like," I muffled, observing the large magical book.

He tore the sides to open it, Lena and I just stared at it, it looked so, old.

We heard leaves crunching and our heads snapped up in the direction.

We saw a figure coming out of the shadows and Stefan got out of the hole.

Damon walked from the shadows, a deadly stare in his eyes.

"Well, what do know," he said with a glare on his face.

We all just stared at him, not knowing what to do.

"This is an interesting turn of events," he mockingly began scanning his eyes over the scene in front of him.

"I cant let you bring her back, I'm sorry," Stefan apologized, clearly just sorry he got caught.

"So am I, for thinking that even for a second I could trust you." Damon snapped, shaking his head with disgust.

I felt bad, I truly did, Damon and I were just getting close, and I lost his trust I know I did.

"You are not capable of trust, the fact that you're here means you read the journal and planned on coming here yourself," Stefan yelled in retaliation, attempting to cover in his defense.

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