4- battle at Valentine enterprises

Start from the beginning

MEANWHILE...Deathwatch, Blackout, and Deathwatch's gang made their way to the Valentine Enterprises. Deathwatch hoped that his plan would go off without alerting the spirit of vengeance. While Blackout almost couldn't wait to fight the Dark Rider again. The group made their way into Valentine Enterprises using Blackout's powers to disrupt the power so the alarms wouldn't sound. Deathwatch's ninjas were armed with special weapons which would knock out the guards.

"Now remember Blackout no killing. I don't want the spirit of vengeance to ruin my plans." hissed Deathwatch.

"Oh come on Deathwatch. You are taking all of the fun out of it. I know that you get off of seeing people die. Live a little. Besides I feel that Atem is a kind of man that you yourself want to face against." Deathwatch knew that Blackout had a point. There will be no greater challenge in his life until he faced against the living breathing spirit of vengeance.

"All right Blackout, you win. Besides this way I might be able to buy out Valentine Enterprises. I want to take the privilege of seeing Mai Valentine die." Deathwatch stated as a smile stretched across Blackout's face. They made their way to the top floor to Mai's office finding the long blond Caucasian woman sitting at her desk trying to figure out what was going on. Something felt off but she couldn't figure out what it was.

ELSEWHERE...Pegasus entered into Yugi's hospital room. He found the young teen unconscious and plugged up to several machines. Pegasus closed the door locking the door behind him. His golden eye allowed him to see that Yugi was in pour shape but thankfully Atem had stepped in saving the teens life. Pegasus sat down next to Yugi's bed placing his right hand onto Yugi's forehead.

"Be grateful Atem that I felt someone trying to invade into Yugi-boy's thoughts. I almost reacted a little too late. I am also glad that you reacted so fast saving his life. If he had fallen into the abyss then he would have been lost forever." Pegasus stated as his hand glowed with magical energy as his metallic eye also glowed. Yugi's body soon was surrounded by mystical flames as his body transformed into Atem.

Once Atem was in control he carefully unplugged himself from the machines. Atem almost couldn't hide the anger he was feeling towards Detective Hawkins.

"Careful Atem. If you loose control over your darkness, I can't guarantee that I can stop it. You need Yugi-boy for that." stated Pegasus. Atem took a long deep breath in and let it out slowly.

"Thank you for coming Caretaker. I am pretty sure that Yugi will recover by morning. Right now he is resting and healing in the void." Atem stated.

"Just make sure that you return before then. I have a feeling that something is going to happen tonight that will require your special talents. Shall I take care of the one whom did this to Yugi-boy?" Pegasus asked.

"Don't do anything rash Caretaker. I have a strange feeling that this human is a little bit like you. I know that he knows how to control his powers as he could feel that Yugi was lying to him but out bound is not complete enough for me to protect him while I am in the void." Atem stated.

"I hope that for your sake that Yugi-boy learns fast." replied Pegasus as he and Atem proceeded to leave the room. None one seemed to notice them as they left the hospital. Atem knew that Caretaker was using his powers to ensure that they didn't cause a ruckus. Atem also knew of Caretaker's powers to foresee somewhat into the future. Something inside of Atem's gut told him that Caretaker was right. He may find himself face to face with Blackout again. Atem's mystical motorcycle drove up to him as the rider mounted the bike taking off into the night.

AT THAT PERSISE MOMENT...multi-billionaire Mia Valentine found herself staring down the barrel of a gun.

"Now Miss Valentine, I will not ask you one more time where are the components that I need in order to complete my mutated biotoxin bomb." stated Deathwatch.

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