Chapter 46 - Ring

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Enoch's P.O.V

We hadn't talked about my outburst about marriage since... Well, since I'd said it. (Y/N) and I had got so caught up with, um, sex, that she hadn't mentioned it at all. Maybe she thought I regretted saying it, as I hadn't brought it up, or that it wasn't even a proposal, just a statement. But I could feel some kind of storm coming... Something that would make it impossible for us to do it at a later date, something, my gut told me, to do with that Portman guy.

Last time I'd 'proposed' to her with a flower... This time I wanted to do it properly, with a ring of some sorts. So I summoned Horace, who pretended to be an expert on all things romantic (even though I expected myself to be better... But I'd heard that he'd been feeling pretty unneeded at the moment).
He was in our room, circling a long, light blue silk dress on a mannequin.
"Hey, mate," I said on entry. Horace turned around, eyes wide with surprise.
"Enoch! How can I help you?"
I closed the door with a slight click, walking nervously over to him, and sitting down on his bed. "I... I need to consult with you. About something of great importance."
He deposited a pin that had been inbetween his teeth into a small tin and gave me his undeterred attention. "What is it?"
"It's... It's (Y/N)."
"Ah. Girl trouble?"
I shook my head... "No... Actually we're fine. It's just... A couple of days ago, I told her that I wanted to marry her."
"I see. And what did she say to that?"
I fiddled with my fingers. "Precisely nothing... I mean, we were called to dinner immediately afterwards, and then the moment was over. But she did look quite... Surprised. Happy, I think, though."
Horace took a seat next to me on his bed. "What do you want me to do?" he said, bluntly.
"I want to buy a ring. To propose to her properly with."
"Enoch, you know that Miss Peregrine will never allow this - "
"That's exactly why you can't tell her. We'll get married in secret, in the town. No-one has to know, except from us."
"But how are you supposed to get the priest to do it? He'll never let you marry on the same day as you asked him, and don't you need paperwork and things like that? And he'll guess that you're from the children's home."
"I'll ask him in the evening, when he's already had a couple of pints. He won't know what he's doing."
Horace sighed exasperatedly. "Yes, and that's why it won't be a legitimate marriage! You really think that (Y/N) will enjoy being married by a stoned priest?"
"I don't care if it's not legitimate. I just want us to both wear a ring on our finger that means we're husband and wife. I mean, we've already consummated it, haven't we?"
Horace stared at me disapprovingly. "That's not really..." I gave him my most pleading puppy dog eyes, "Fine. Okay. Fine. I'll help you get her engagement ring, and the wedding rings.  But after that, you're on your own."
I slapped him on the back, grinning. "Thanks, mate. You know you're my best mate, right?"
He rolled his eyes. "You're only saying that because you want something from me."
I stood up to go, shooting him a wink. "No, I do love you. See you down in the porch in 5, okay?"

I ran out of our room and down the stairs, hoping to stay clear of (Y/N), as this was a complete surprise to her. Unfortunately, she appeared as I was grabbing my coat from the hook. She sauntered up to me, hands on her hips, frowning.
I was ever so slightly terrified.
"Hello, Enoch," she said, accusingly.
"(Y/N)! So... Nice to see you here."
"I live here, you idiot," she hissed, "What is up with you? We literally just fucked in your basement a couple of hours ago and now you just disappear off somewhere, without telling me?"
I glanced behind me and saw Horace making his way down the stairs, eyes wide at (Y/N)'s confrontation.
"Um... We're going into town...?" I gestured to the blonde boy.
"Well, can I come?" she challenged.
By this time, Horace was standing next to me, and after this question he smiled weakly. "We're going now." With one hand he pushed open the door, and with the other, he shoved me through it, slamming it shut after him, so I didn't see (Y/N)'s angry face peering at our quickly disappearing backs.

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin