Chapter 45 - Panic

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

You see, Horace suffers from frequent panic attacks. I mean, really, this incident wouldn't affect people in the way that it did him, but, it did.
Enoch knew about this, having pretty much been his best friend for over 50 years, and he raised his hand to try and calm Horace, who was already fanning himself and hyperventilating. "Horace. Take deep breaths and turn around. I'm just going to put some trousers on, okay?"
Horace nodded.
Enoch threw my underwear over to me with a hurried smile. "Put them on."
He himself pulled on his boxers and trousers, before saying, "Horace, mate, you can turn around."
Horace turned slowly around, breathing heavily, his eyes wild and wide. "I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting... That."
Enoch grabbed his upper arm gently, leading him to the workbench so they could sit down. As they approached, Horace shied away, shaking his head. "Nope. I'm not sitting on that."
"Why the fuck not?" Enoch rolled his eyes, struggling to keep his sympathetic façade.
I quickly climbed out of the bed in my underwear, jogging slightly uncomfortably as Horace stared at me. I grabbed my clothes and put them on, ignoring the younger blonde's scared eyes, and my boyfriend's almost amused and... Lustful? gaze. God, he's so fucking horny, like, all the time.
As I dressed, I said, "Enoch, Horace had the dream. He knows that's where... Yeah."
"Oh. Yeah. Horace, I'm going to tell you what happened, because I trust you and you basically saw anyway. Last night, as you know, we went home earlier, without you lot."
I picked up the conversation, walking over to the bench and perching on it. "And we talked for a bit."
"And then we had sex. Okay?"
Horace fanned himself again. "Okay. Okay."
"But, mate, you cannot tell anyone. Anyone."
"Not... Not even Miss Peregrine?"
"Especially not Miss fucking Peregrine. She'd kill us. Remember the punishment when we smoked? It would be a hundred times worse."
We all sat in silence for a while, Enoch and I on the workbench, and Horace on the floor.
Before long, Enoch took my hand in his, rubbing small circles onto the edge with his thumb, as he'd done so many times. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and whispered into his ear, "My thighs are really fucking burning, you know."
He simply laughed, before nudging Horace with his foot. "Hey, what did you come in here for, anyway?"
"Oh... Breakfast's ready, actually. We're probably extremely late."
Enoch hauled me to my feet. "We'd better get going, then. Also, I'm starving."

When we reached the breakfast table, everybody else was already halfway through their cereal or toast. Miss Peregrine looked up sharply as we walked in, setting her cutlery down. "Ah. Miss (Y/L/N), Mr O'Connor, Mr Somnusson. How nice of you to join us at last."
All three of us took our place, as Enoch said, sarcastically, laughing slightly. "Sorry... We got caught up."


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'Sorry... We got caught up'. A fantastic way of putting it, in my opinion.

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