Chapter 44 - Discovery

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Some time in the night, Enoch and I must have shifted over slightly so that he was lying on his back on the cold, hard workbench, and so that I was lying on top of him, one leg dangling off the other side of the bench, because when I woke up the next morning, all I could see were two very pale and prominent collarbones around 2 cm away from my lateral vision focal point. I shifted my waist slightly so that his crotch wasn't pressing quite so uncomfortably into my lower stomach, before swinging my leg up and onto Enoch's leg.
Yeah. I may have also accidentally kicked my boyfriend in the shin, waking him up from his adorable slumber at the same time. I raised my head apologetically and grinned sheepishly. "Sorry," I whispered, before wasting all my hard work and moving into a completely different fetal-style position on Enoch's body.

"You a bit restless there, mate?" Enoch murmured, stretching and resting his hands behind his head, before shutting his eyes again and proceeding to snore.
"Well, actually," I said loudly, in order to wake him up again (I was successful), "Sleeping on wood is not the most comfortable form of rest, would you believe it."
"Actually, you were sleeping on me. I should know. I was the one with the wood on my back for the whole night."
"Well, you weren't the one with the most sensitive part of the male anatomy pressed into their gut, were you?"
Enoch laughed, and pulled the white sheet he had thrown across us the night before back onto the concrete floor. I suddenly remembered what had happened last night, and that we were both completely naked... And that both of us didn't mind.
"Hey, we can use my bed over there, if you want." Enoch pointed over to low, single bed with a grey blanket on top in the corner of the workshop. I climbed off him, and instantly the front of my body realised how cold it actually was, having been stuck to someone else's and leeching their body heat for a good few hours.
"Are you coming?" I said, walking barefoot towards the small bed.
"Hm, no, I think I'm just going to enjoy this lovely sensation of lying on hard wood for a bit longer..."
"Of course, you idiot."
I turned to face him, and he blushed as he looked at my body. "I kinda want to fuck you again, but..."
"I don't think my thighs could take it. They feel like they're burning." I said, collapsing (gracefully) onto the bed, swiftly followed by Enoch, who collapsed right on top of me. "Was I too hard for you?"
"Maybe for my legs. But I'm okay."

Enoch twisted on the bed so we were lying side-by-side, and poked my nose. "You're cute."
I raised a single eyebrow. "You tell me that now? We've been dating for like three years."
"Technically, we've only been dating for a day, over and over."
I laughed. "Wow, we're sluts then, having sex on the first day."
"Love at first sight, maybe." Enoch squished his body into mine and placed his hand on my lower back, before kissing me gently.

"You know, I don't think that was quite true."
Enoch pulled away, frowning. "What?"
"The 'love at first sight' thing. I mean, you hated me when I first came here."
"Actually," he brushed some hair away from my face, "I didn't."
"But you used to glare at me all the time, and you were so angry after Horace's dream and that night in town."
"I glared at you because I got this weird feeling in my stomach whenever I saw you, and I didn't know what it was, I got angry after Horace's dream because, would you believe, doing that with you had passed my mind a couple of times beforehand, and after that night in town, I realised that I really, really liked you, and I had no idea what to do. Not knowing something often makes me grumpy, you know that."
I poked him in the cheek. "I was led to believe that simply existing makes you grumpy."
"Not true." He scowled, but I saw the corners of his mouth tug a little.

I yawned and grabbed his wrist, looking for the watch that he always wore.
Enoch laughed. "You think I left it on?"
"I mean, you always wear it, so..."
"I'll look for it." He climbed over me and started rooting around through our clothes, throwing trousers, boxers, and underwear everywhere until he came up, my bra dangling from one of his fingers. He raised an eyebrow, and smirked at me. "It was under here... Guess I didn't really care where I was throwing everything last night, did I?"
He started to walk back to me, throwing the bra over his shoulder, so it landed on his workbench.

And then we heard it. Brisk footsteps coming down the few steps leading to Enoch's workshop.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck." Enoch froze, facing the door in all his nakedness.
"What the hell are you doing? Hide behind something!" I said, throwing the grey blanket over me.

The door slammed open. Enoch grabbed the closest thing to him to cover his genitilia.
It happened to be my bra.

The pale face of Horace appeared from behind the door.
"What on earth...?"...

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