Chapter 30 - Books

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We stared at each other for a couple of minutes. They seemed to drag out forever, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Now I could look at Enoch properly for the first time in weeks, taking in the dark circles under his eyes, his paler-than-usual skin and his permanently messy hair. He looked rough, sure, but, to me at least, he was still the best looking guy in the world.

And then, as if the weather knew our emotions, it stopped raining. Just like that. I smiled, thrilled, at Enoch and looked up. A rainbow was starting to form in the sky above is. Even Enoch smiled at that, flinging his arm around my shoulder and walking me back to the front of the house, stamping the cigarettes out with his heel as he did so.

I was glad to be back inside, despite the sudden change of weather. The interior suddenly felt so cosy and comfortable, unlike how it had felt only a couple of weeks ago: cold and empty. I knew this change of heart was due to the boy standing next to me (I want to call him a man, I really do, but his cherub lips and cute face stops me).
Enoch moved his hand from around my shoulder to my hand, gripping it like it was the only thing tethering him to reality. Which, in a way, his hand was doing to me. Instead of heading to his basement, as we usually did, Enoch pulled me to the library.

Ah. I loved the library. It was small, yes, but the knowledge one could gain from here was almost never-ending. The smell of books was like a kind of perfume to me (okay, kinda sad, but I'm a nerd) and, back in Cornwall, the first thing I'd do as soon as I got a new one was sniff the yellow-white pages.
Enoch led me to the window seat, and sat. It was a small window, meaning that he, even with his slim and lean build, filled it up. I frowned at him, crossing my arms. "Ahem?"
He looked up at me adorably and innocently. "Hmm?"
"Are you going to make any space for me, or not?"
He spread his legs wide apart and patted the cushion. I rolled my eyes and sat in-between his thighs, leaning back into him, enjoying how good and homely it felt. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on the inside of my shoulder, closing his eyes peacefully.
"I love you, (Y/N)," he murmured, "But what you put me through... Please don't do that again. I don't think I could survive."
"Don't worry. I'm not going to do that again. Ever. I can't believe I ever thought I could leave you all... What was I thinking?" I said, rubbing my forehead. The memory was slightly painful.
Enoch laughed quietly. "You've always been a bit mad. And that's why I love you."
He leaned around to kiss me, tightening his grip on me with his legs. Before long, I was pressed up against a bookcase, Enoch's hands resting on the books either side of my head, shifting occasionally as we... Uh, made out. I moved my hands from where they had been resting at my sides and tangled one in his hair, and placed one on the back of his neck, rubbing his cold skin. I seriously hoped I didn't hit his pressure point or anything dangerous like that...
As if he knew what I was thinking, Enoch smiled against my lips. He drew his head back slightly, just so he could murmur, "Why don't we take this to the basement?" before kissing my collarbone gently and, yes, very seductively.
"I - uh... Yes?" I stammered, totally unused to the situation. Sure, I'd made out with him before, but those times were like you would expect to find in a secondary school: messy and slightly rushed. This was different. We felt like we had all the time in the world.
"Yes." I repeated, more sure of myself this time. Enoch smirked, evidently pleased with my reply, and leaned over me to give me one last kiss, before sweeping me up into the same lift he'd given me, all those days ago, when I'd broken my leg. We made our way out of the door, and were just about to descend into the basement when we heard a voice from behind us.
"Mr O'Connor? Miss (Y/L/N)? Where are you going?"
Enoch rolled his eyes and swore quitely, before letting me down and turning to meet the speaker: Miss Peregrine. "We were just going down to my workshop... I have a new doll design that I wanted to show my girlfriend."
Miss P raised an eyebrow, surprised at our quick make-up.
"Well, I'm sure that can wait. There are dishes in the kitchen sink that need to be done, and - " But we never got to find out what the Headmistress was going to order us to do next, as a shrill voice cut through the air. I recognised it to be Claire's.


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