Chapter 39 - Bakery

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Emma's P.O.V

My first port of call for a 'wicked' (as (Y/N) would call it) night out was, believe it or not, Horace. He was organised yet stylish, sensible yet outgoing, and he was the perfect person to help me make this the best time any of the peculiars had ever had.

He wasn't, actually, in his room, as I had guessed. Instead, unusually, I found (Y/N) boxed into a corner, being kissed passionately by Enoch. That in itself was normal, but Enoch never voluntarily left his basement. I suppose the rancid smell of formaldehyde had put his girlfriend off slightly.
Enoch removed his hand from underneath the back of (Y/N)'s shirt as I walked in, and paused messing up her hair with his free hand. Although he looked nonchalant, even bored, as he turned to face me, body still pressed up against his girlfriend's, (Y/N) looked breathless and excited, so I winked at her. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything too important here, lovebirds."
Enoch rolled his eyes and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, pulling her over to his bed, where he reclined, his arm draped around her waist.  "Oh no, of course not." he said sarcastically.
"Enoch, don't be nasty to Emma. I'm sure she came in here for a good reason," scolded (Y/N), after which Enoch grinned and kissed the top of her nose lightly.
I placed myself on Horace's bed, facing them both. "I did actually. However, the person I was looking for is not present."
"Well, then, you might as well leave, and we can continue," smirked Enoch, who proceeded to fiddle with the waistband of (Y/N)'s skirt.
How many times have I had to prevent myself from gagging today? I haven't kept count.
"Actually," I replied, "The two of you will do just as fine. Would you like to hear my proposal?"
"Go on, then."
I closed the door and started to speak in a hushed tone, pretending that Miss Peregrine didn't know and shouldn't ever know. "I'm planning another night out in Cairnholm, for those of us who went last time. We all had a lot of fun last time, and I think it would be a good idea."
(Y/N) rubbed the side of her nose sceptically. "Apart from the fact that Enoch nearly got killed, of course. Apart from the fact that ALL    of us were nearly killed."
"Yes, apart from that. And I'm not going to let anything like what happened after we'd left the town happen this time, trust me."
Enoch leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "What's the occasion?"
Quick, Emma, think fast.
"My birthday. Well, the anniversary of me coming to this loop," I lied.
"Oh, that's so cool! How many years have you been here for?" said (Y/N) excitedly.
I truly could not remember, so all I did was hiss at her to keep her voice down and continue talking. "Anyway, I was thinking we could do the same as last time. With the same people, and we should leave at 1:00 and be back by 4:45. (Y/N), I'll do the food this time... I've got a few ideas. However, I could use your help with buying a cake."
She raised an eyebrow and smiled at me. "Cake is my speciality, so I'm sure I can help you with that. When do you want to buy everything?"
I shrugged. "Now, if you'd like. Remember, it's happening tonight," I said, getting up to leave, "So, Enoch, if you could tell Millard, Horace, Bronwyn and Jacob - "
"Jacob? Um, why the hell is he coming?" Enoch interrupted.
"Hmm, probably because he's part of this loop now...? Look, Enoch, just do it. Come on (Y/N), we'd better leave now, before it gets too late."
(Y/N) stood up, pausing to kiss Enoch on the nose, before smiling and joining me. "Well, let's do this. Emma, I'm going to get you the best birthday cake you've ever had."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

By the time Emma and I had reached the bakery in Cairnholm, she was completely informed about what had gone on recently between Enoch and I. And by that, I mean his statement that he wanted to marry me.
Emma's purse and her jaw dropped to the ground when I said it quietly to her, and I could fully understand why.
"I mean, I knew you guys were very serious, but that's quite something. No offence, but Enoch sometimes acts like he only wants you for the making out aspect, even though I know he loves you, but wow... Marriage? That's... That's something else."
I scratched my head as we entered the pastel coloured cake shop, inhaling the sweet aromas of all the cakes and making my way to the main counter. "I know... But, the thing is, as soon as he'd said it, I just kinda agreed with him, and then we carried on as normal. We haven't spoken about it since, and it feels like something has changed between us."
Emma frowned, and proceeded to rest her elbows on the counter, scanning the delicious looking cakes and pastries. A young man, maybe a couple of years older than us, appeared from behind the counter, smiling pleasantly. "How may I help you two beautiful ladies?"
If this was 2014, it would be normal to yell: 'I have a boyfriend!' and walk away. But it was not, so I simply smiled back and said: "We're looking for a birthday cake... Something special for Emma here."
I nudged her elbow and winked at her. The server frowned, ducking underneath the counter again.
We stood there for a couple of seconds, awaiting his return, and were not disappointed. For when he did, he was holding and intricate, light silver three-tiered cake, decorated with gold fondant flowers that flowed from the top tier all the way down to the bottom. I couldn't contain a gasp as he placed it on the countertop, and cast a sideways glance at my accomplice, who looked as if she was about to faint with excitement. "We'll take it," she said breathlessly, slamming two £50  notes on the wood. The young man gave us the change, and we exited the shop, holding this huge cake between us.

I grinned at Emma. "Well, now we've got the most important part, can we go back home?"
"No chance. We've still got to get all the other food... Did you really think you were going to get away that easily?"
I laughed at her, feeling as light as air. Suddenly, things didn't feel so bad at all.

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