Chapter 41 - Drunk, again

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Ah, the sweet smell of sense.

That sweet smell completely left us as we drank further into the night... Or the early morning, you could say. It was like the last time we'd done this, all over again, except from the fact that Jacob was here, and, this time, Millard's arm wasn't around my shoulder. This time, I was sat on Enoch's lap, leaning back into him and enjoying the feeling of his hand underneath the waistband of my skirt, gently touching my cold skin. This was the closest to him touching me in that way that we'd ever come... And I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't enjoy it. Because I did. Even though I was still technically only 16, I felt older and a lot more mature (haha thanks Enoch), and ready to... I don't know what.

Anyway, I was drunk. Or, at least, very tipsy. And so were my friends. Emma was actually lying on Jacob (at least he knows she likes him now, at least), and he was bright red, either from the alcohol or happiness at being chosen by the most beautiful girl in the loop. Millard had kissed Bronwyn on the cheek, which made her giggle and blush, something I'd never seen her do before, and Horace was gazing into space, eyes misty, and with a contented smile on his face. He may have been dreaming about a pretty girl he met once, but, more likely than not, he was probably thinking about clothes, as per usual.

The bottles were almost finished, although one still had about a quarter of it's contents in. The dark liquid it contained did turn out to be extremely strong, and I couldn't help regretting my decision to drink so much of it, as I felt my head get fuzzier and fuzzier. However, I still kept glugging it down, as if there was not tomorrow.

"Hey, everybody, I've had a funny idea," slurred Horace.
"We should go swimming in the sea... I mean, we don't want to waste this opportunity, right?"
I raised an eyebrow, doubting a major factor of this plan. It seemed one part of my brain was still intact, at least. "What are we going to wear? None of us have brought swimming costumes."
Millard laughed. "We could just go skinny-dipping."
Surprisingly, Enoch, sitting slightly behind and underneath me, was silent.
"That's not too bad an idea, actually... I mean, also, it's dark. No-ones really going to be able to see anything," Emma agreed. Jacob, the weirdo, looked positively delighted at the thought of seeing Emma without any clothes on. Gag.
I twisted my head around to Enoch, still not sure about the idea and wanting his opinion. I know, I know, I should be making my​ own decisions. And I do! But, I just wanted him to be okay with it too.

"What do you think about it, Enoch?" I murmured. His eyes shifted nervously.
"I don't - well, I'm okay with it, I guess," he whispered quietly, and I got the feeling that he wasn't quite himself.
"Hey, Death King, you okay?" I said, properly turning round to meet his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah... I'm just. No. It's nothing."
I raised an eyebrow. "Of course it's not nothing. Let's go outside and talk about it."
He looked as if he wanted to argue, but saw my set expression and thought better of it, so I said to the others: "Hey guys, we'll meet you outside, okay? We're just going to get some air."
"You better be ready to strip when we're out there, lovebirds!" Everybody laughed, and I felt a slightly sick feeling in my stomach.

"Come on." I gently took my boyfriend's hand and pulled him outside.

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now