Chapter 20 - You

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Oh. Well, that explained her behaviour, then. But why was Enoch acting so strange. Wait... Did he... Used to like, like, like like Emma?
"Were Enoch and Emma... A thing?" I pushed two fingers together to demonstrate. Miss Peregrine laughed without any humour. "No. Emma never had any feelings for Enoch, but there was a time when I suspected, or believed, at least, that that feeling wasn't mutual. However, that was a while ago. No, no. That wasn't the reason why Enoch acted as he did."
"Then why did he?"
"Believe it or not, Enoch and Abe were actually very good friends. I think it broke Enoch, just a little bit, when Abe left, to join the army in the Second World War. Anyway, that's what normals believe. He actually went to hunt down the hollows, because there was a completely different war going on at that time: one that threatened the entirety of peculiardom."
I looked at her, confused. "But... If he couldn't see the hollows, how did he kill them?"
Miss Peregrine smiled sadly. "You and him share that one trait, although his was slightly stronger. He could control hollows, and knew when they were around."
There was silence again for a few minutes.
"Could this... Jacob guy... Have the same peculiarity?"
The Headmistress shrugged, somehow elegantly. "Peculiarity often skips a few generations. He may not be peculiar at all, although I do have a hunch... And, even if I do say so myself, my hunches often turn out to be correct. Leaving him out there at the mercy of wights and hollows, just because we may suspect that he isn't peculiar, isn't a risk we can afford to take."
Miss P looked down at the empty plates. "Is everybody finished?" There were a few mellow nods. "(Y/N), Millard, if you would be so kind to take away the dishes..."

After Millard and I had washed and dried the dishes (it's actually surprisingly difficult when you can't see your partner), I instantly headed off the Enoch and Horace's room, hoping the latter wasn't present. Fortunately, he was not. The only living organism in the room was Enoch, sitting on his bed, scowling at the floor.
"Knock knock," I said quietly, as I had done that evening when everything fell apart (but for the better, somehow).
Enoch looked up, saw that it was me, and grunted.
I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that... Was it 'Oh (Y/N)! I'm so happy to see you!'?"
He tried unsuccessfully to hide a smile, before patting the space next to him on his bed. "Come sit."
I did. However, Enoch didn't seem to think that was close enough to him, so he pulled me onto his knee, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling my neck.
"I love you," he whispered, "And I want everybody to know. Everybody."
"It's been a while, I suppose..." I said, leaning back into him and closing my eyes, "Do you think we should tell them?"
"I think we should. But maybe after that Jacob - " he spat, his sweet nature instantly gone, " - gets here. I don't want him to ruin everything."
I twisted around in his grip so I was facing him. "What's up with those Portman guys anyway?"
Enoch rolled his eyes. "Abe Portman messed everything up. We were all happy in this loop before he came, then went again, breaking Emma's heart in the process."
That reminded me. "Was there anything... Between you and Emma?"
"There was a time... When I first got here, I did fancy her."
"What about now?"
"She could go and rot in hell if she wanted and I wouldn't care. I would pick you over her any day."
I punched him in the chest. "Enoch O'Connor, that's a horrible thing to say about someone. I'm sure you don't mean that."
"I definitely mean the second part."
I looked down at my feet. "I'd understand if you preferred her. I mean, she's beautiful, slim, outspoken and strong... Everything I'm not." I said quietly.
This time Enoch grabbed me by the shoulders, before jerking my head up to his height and staring stubbornly into my eyes. "Look here," he said firmly, his Cockney accent becoming even stronger, "I love you. I don't love you because of the way you look, even though, â mon avis, you are the most beautiful girl in this world, and I don't love you depending on how strong you are. I love you. All of you. And that includes everything that you hate about yourself. So don't ever say that again. Ever."
I could start to feel tears welling up in my eyes. "I love you," I whispered, "So much. I have never felt so... Like this, around anyone before. Thank you. Thank you, Enoch O'Connor."
He leaned in and placed his lips gently on mine. This kiss wasn't like the last. It was so, so gentle, and so loving. It was careful, but at the same time, passionate. Needless to say, I kissed back.

Soon we were forced to pull apart, as we heard footsteps from outside in the hallway. I climbed off Enoch's lap and smoothed my dress, just in time, as Horace walked in. He took a shocked step back as he saw me. "(Y/N)! What are you doing in here?"
"Oh... I, um, just came to see how... Enoch was..."
Horace looked at me sceptically, and I could tell Enoch was struggling to hold in a snort.
"Well... Whatever was happening here, Miss Peregrine wants both of you to come down to the porch. Jacob's here."

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now