Chapter 14 - Changes

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We got into a routine, Enoch and I. To save any embarrassment, or awkwardness, or anger between us, we would just stay away from each other. Only speak to him when necessary. Only answer him when he asks. Never look him directly in the eye, to refrain from seeing the pain that I saw that night in the basement. But the thing was, I wanted to talk to him, so desperately, so, so, desperately. I felt myself being drawn to him, even though we never spoke. I would find myself getting up in the night and walking down to the basement, before realising where I was and heading back.
Enoch never slept in his room anymore. He stayed in the basement all day, everyday, playing with his 'toys' or making blueprints for a new doll of his. His clothes began to stink of formaldehyde, and his face became caked in grime. I could see that Miss Peregrine knew that something was up, and, to be honest, I bet that everybody had noticed. So, one day, she called me into her office to have an 'informal chat'.

"So, (Y/N)," she said, resting her chin on her hands and gazing at me. I reacted to this by fiddling with my fingers and itching my ear. "So... Miss Peregrine?"
"I am an intelligent person, if I do say so myself. I have, believe it or not, noticed a change in Enoch's behaviour, and I also noticed that it began the day after you spent the night together. I would very much like to know what happened that night, if you please."
I blushed, knowing exactly what she meant by that, and knowing that nothing of the sort happened between us.
"Nothing of the sort happened between us."
The Bird raised her eyebrows. "Nothing of what sort, Miss (Y/L/N)?" I silently cursed myself for thinking out loud. "I meant... We just talked. About his past, about my future. About his future."
The Bird nodded slightly, before frowning. "You see, usually, that would be quite acceptable. But, the thing is, Enoch has a troubled history, as he probably told you. As a rule, we don't talk about it, and I'm extremely surprised that he opened up to you."
That hurt me a bit. "We have a connection​. We're friends!"
"Yes, and I'm sure that's the case. But you must have said something to make him closed off like this. However stupid Enoch can be, he doesn't just hibernate for no apparent reason."
"Well... There was something. And I wouldn't like to talk about it, thank you, Headmistress."
Miss Peregrine frowned at me again. "Is that so... Well, then. I have only one more thing to say to you."
"'Yes, Headmistress', (Y/N).
"Yes, Headmistress?"
"You must find a way to get him back to normal. Back to the way he was. I'm sure I speak for everyone in this house when I say that we want the old Enoch back."

I left Miss Peregrine's office with that new job upon my shoulders. I had known it would be inevitable, that, seeing as I was the one to make Enoch like this, I should be the one to snap him out of it. The thing was, I had no idea whatsoever where to start.
I decided to go and talk to Horace who, despite their differences, seemed to be Enoch's best friend. Horace was in his room as usual, this time not measuring material, but sewing it with an ancient baby blue sewing machine that looked as if it hadn't been used since the forties. Wait, I was in the forties. Haha.
I cleared my throat as I stood in the doorway, and Horace looked up. "How can I help you, (Y/N)?" I walked into the small room and sat on Enoch's untouched bed.
"Well. You're an observant guy. I'm guessing you've noticed Enoch's change in behaviour." Horace rolled his eyes and flicked his hand dramatically. "Haven't I just. He must be really, really into you, you know."
I blushed a deep red. "No, me and Enoch aren't like... That. Nope. Definitely not." Horace raised a single eyebrow sceptically. "Hm. I've known Enoch for way over 50 years, and this has never happened. Whatever is going on, your coming has made something stir deep inside of him.",
I snorted, the old, dirty-minded and modern teenage girl making a small reappearance. "If you think I turn him on, then you're very, very wrong."
Horace frowned at me.
"What's 'turning someone on'?"
I waved a hand around vaguely. "Never mind. Just a future thing. Anyway, before we got off track, I had been meaning to ask you how to get Enoch back to normal. Miss Peregrine herself requested that I do it, for some reason or other."
Horace shrugged. "Well, you're the reason he's like this. My best bet would be to get him to open up, or even better, open up yourself. Make him know that you feel comfortable in his presence. After that, things should all just unravel back to normal."
"And if it doesn't do that?"
"Then you've only gone and made it a whole lot worse."

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें