Chapter 38 - Again

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Emma's P.O.V

Despite the fact that Enoch and (Y/N) had pretty much been making out in the basement all day, Miss Peregrine still believed that I needed to set them up on a date. I was completely stuck for ideas, until I found myself, having been wandering around the house, in the kitchen. My gaze fell upon and empty bottle of ginger beer, and my mouth dropped open.
The first time the two lovebirds really bonded was when we all snuck out into the town at night, and got completely drunk. What would happen if we were to re-enact that situation? After all, alcohol always makes people want to... You know. Even though it felt dishonest to get them to do mature things just by getting drunk, I was quickly running out of options.

I decided to tell the Headmistress about this plan, so I made my way quietly, in order to alert nobody of my plans (yet), to her office.
Of course, she was in there, spectacles placed at the tip of her nose, hanging down low over some parchment. She looked up as I closed the door with a slight click.
"Ah, Miss Bloom. I wondered when I would see you here."
I didn't doubt that she expected me to come up with something before the week was over.
"Yes... I have a date idea."
"That is good. What is it?"
"Well... Before I tell you... Are you sure they need to go on a date? I'm pretty certain they can cope well enough as they are in the basement, without me meddling."
Miss Peregrine raised an eyebrow. "Although I may be old, I do know some things about relationships. Before long, both of them, probably (Y/N) primarily, will tire of 'making out', as she calls it. So, yes, I am still sure that a date, a chance to be with each other somewhere other than the house, would be a perfectly good and sensible idea."

I frowned, but, alas, I could find no fault in the Bird's explanation. And, anyway, who was I to say no to our powerful ymbryne?
"I suppose that does make sense." I hesitated, but continued when Miss P gestured me onwards. "Do you remember that night when we snuck out into town?"
Miss Peregrine laughed slightly. "Of course I do, my dear. We lost Enoch, after all."
"That evening was the first time those two truly bonded. (Y/N) actually rubbed Enoch's back as he threw up, and, of course, there's that small matter of her being up until the early hours of the morning, searching for him in the dark woods. I'm suggesting that we do it again, but now they are together... I mean, the alcohol may... Stir something, so to say."
I felt like gagging; saying something like this to your carer is not at all desirable.
Miss Peregrine contemplated this for a moment. "And were you planning on then going alone, or with the others?"
"Well, you know how possessive Enoch can be. I think that, with the added help of being drunk, the threat from other people would make him more dominant and lustful."
I stopped myself gagging again.
The Headmistress straightened her papers and, after a couple of moments, raised her head to look at me. "I agree with you, Miss Bloom. It is the quickest and simplest way to bring them together, and it will also - " she frowned at this, " - bring some enjoyment to the others... And you, of course."
I grinned and hopped up, ready to tell everyone else and start preparing. However, Miss Peregrine was not ready to let me go just yet. She raised a finger and I sat down again.
"But you have to promise me one thing, Emma."
"Yes, Headmistress?"
"Please be safe. Don't, under any circumstances, let anybody go off by themselves. Assure me that you'll get everyone back to the house completely unharmed."
"I'll try, Miss - "
She scowled. "No, I'm afraid that, in these circumstances, trying isn't good enough. Promise me. Swear that you will be sensible and safe."
"I swear on my life. I swear - I swear on Jacob's life."
The Bird let out a sigh and jerked her head to the door. "You may go."
I started to walk to the door, but turned as, yet again, Miss P called me back.
"Emma, make sure that Jacob comes too. You know how unnecessarily competitively Enoch feels towards him."
"Um, okay?"
"And make sure the children think that I have not idea what is happening. They will perceive it to be more exciting that way."
I nodded, and exited the room, my head already swarming with excitement for the next few nights to come.

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now