Chapter 36 - Pinprick

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

This morning was the first morning of Enoch and I being allowed to be together... And, the worrying thing was, I didn't feel as excited/relieved/happy as I believed I should be. Perhaps it was because we'd been away from each other for so long, or because... We just didn't rely on each other for everything, anymore.
And I didn't like that thought one bit.
Nevertheless, as soon as I'd woken up, I ran quietly down to Enoch's basement, still in my nightclothes, and pushed the door open. As I'd expect, he was sitting on his bed in just his pajama trousers, his eyes burning with a fiery intensity that I'd only ever seen a couple of times before. As soon as I made my not-so-graceful entrance, he looked up, grinning, and ran towards me. If you were to slow this bit down, it would've been like one of those sappy, romantic movies where the girl and the guy run to each other in slo-mo, with violins playing in the background.
In reality, our meeting wasn't so dignified, because, as soon as Enoch reached me, he started to make out with me. And not in an elegant, mature way. It was rough, needy and lustful, and, to be very honest with you, I enjoyed it quite a lot.

After my boyfriend had finished giving me hickeys all over my neck (despite my warnings that they weren't very discrete), he took me into his strong, but cold, arms, and whispered into my hair.
"I love you so much, (Y/N). You don't know how hard these weeks have been for me..."
I shushed him angrily. "Of course I do... If you could forget you teenage boy horniness, you might consider the fact that I love you just as much as you love me."
Enoch snorted, and stroked my hair further.
We lay like this for a while on his makeshift bed, simply enjoying holding each other, with the knowledge that a peregrine wouldn't swoop down on us and break us apart (pun intended). Every so often, Enoch would reach forward and tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear, and I would fiddle with his dark curls.
I couldn't believe how much I'd missed his funny cockney accent, or his dark eyes and his cold, slim hands.

No-one would ever understand why I loved him, and he loved me. Honestly, I don't think we really knew either. But, despite the fact that Enoch always showed his dark side, and I kept mine hidden deep inside me, we were more similar than you'd expect.

And then Enoch asked me the question I'd been dreading. He said it quietly, as if he knew what my reaction was going to be.
"(Y/N)..." he murmured against my skin.
"Mm hmm?"
"Can you show me your peculiarity?"
I sighed and gently extracted myself from his arms, but still stayed close to him. "I knew I'd have to demonstrate eventually. Fine... I will."
He scrambled to sitting position, facing me, and I saw a slightly dark glint in his eyes, and I breathed in deeply. "Okay, hold your hand out. I'm going to try and make you feel a sharp pinprick in the middle of your palm... But I can't always control it. If I lose control, I am so, so sorry..."
He waved this statement off and held out his left hand.
I closed my eyes, concentrating harder than I'd ever concentrated before. I was desperate to make sure that the pain Enoch felt was as minimal as possible, so, this time, I had to focus properly. I breathed in deeply, letting my mind calm down for a moment, and then I pictured a sharp pin hovering over my boyfriend's hand, before stabbing down, as gently as I could.
I opened my eyes as soon as I heard a sharp intake of breath. Enoch was staring at his palm, a strong look of disbelief on his face. I mistook this disbelief as utmost pain, so I grabbed his hand, searching his face for any sign or regret or anger. But, as soon as I looked up at him, his face broke into a wide grin.
"(Y/N)... That's - that's spectacular! Do you know how useful your power will be if we're ever faced with a hollow again? Much more helpful than Jacob's peculiarity," Enoch scoffed this last part, and I laughed, slightly awkwardly... "You do realise that I share that part of Jacob's peculiarity, right? Seeing the hollows?"
He pulled my hair slightly and grinned again. "Of course. But yours is definitely more impressive." I rolled my eyes and leaned into him. He ducked his head down again to kiss me, and I lifted mine up to his height. We were just about to kiss passionately, our bodies interlinked, when the door flew open. I sprang away from Enoch and peered at the newcomer. I relaxed when I saw that it was just Emma, raising her eyebrows at me.
"You guys have been down here for ages... You even missed breakfast! What've you been doing?"
Enoch started to fiddle with the waistband on my skirt teasingly, his cold fingers brushing against my skin, and said, "Well, first - " However, Emma cut him off, pretending to gag, and said: "Actually, I don't want to know. Anyway, lovebirds, it's time for lunch."

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