Chapter 35 - Pride and Prejudice

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The weeks passed. Unfortunately, there were no more inappropriate comments from Enoch, and, upsettingly, we stopped talking. It was like... If we couldn't be together in the way we wanted, we felt that we couldn't be together. We even started to accept that we weren't really going out, as much as I hated to, and we would look up, shocked, whenever anybody mentioned the two of us as 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'. It was horrible, really. We'd only just got back together and now we were forced apart, and were drifting away from each other. I felt like I had no control over the situation, and wasn't like I could have a deep, heartfelt conversation with Enoch about it.

Miss Peregrine seemed to notice that we were giving up, almost, and, funnily enough, the thought didn't appeal to her at all. It was ironic, I suppose, that she was the one who caused it, and now she regretted her actions. Or perhaps she didn't want things to go back to what they were like when Enoch and I weren't talking. Nevertheless, she looked as if she was going to change something.

Emma's P.O.V

Life had been difficult as soon as Miss P broke the two lovebirds up. Previously, the house had revolved around their well-being; if they'd had a fight, the house went into a still, silent and angry stupor, whereas if they were totally happy and in love, us wards were too. I didn't like how much everything relied on them, but that was the way it was, and I couldn't change it.

However, now that Miss P had split them up, I thought things might get better for us. I mean, at the beginning, it was funny when Enoch said all those hilarious things to (Y/N) just to annoy the Headmistress, but then he stopped and they stopped talking to each other. Things got worse again, and hardly anybody ever talked. Ever. But I wanted to change that. But what could I do?

I was reading 'Pride and Prejudice' in the library a couple of days before (Y/N) and Enoch's punishment was due to end (no, I haven't finished it yet), when Miss Peregrine walked in, a grim expression on her face. I looked up as she cleared her throat and took a seat next to me.
"Good morning, Miss Bloom. Ah, reading Jane Austen, I see?"
She peered over my shoulder and I nodded, secretly wishing she would get the hell out so I could continue with the story.
There was a moment of awkward silence as I tried to re-engage with the plotline.
"You've probably noticed how spaced out Miss (Y/L/N) and Mr O'Connor have been lately."
I slammed my book shut with a sigh. "Yes, you'd have to have been living under a rock to not notice."
Miss P raised an eyebrow at my attitude. "Therefore, I'm guessing that you've noticed the effect it's been having on the whole house."
"Indeed I have."
"Well then you must know that things can't carry on like this. As soon as their punishment is over, I had previously been expecting, and secretly hoping for, them to get back together instantly. But, as you've noticed, that may not happen."
I shrugged. "Well... What can I do about it?"
"A great many things, actually. You are (Y/N)'s most trusted friend here, after all, and you've always had a special relationship with Enoch. I was hoping you might be able to help me."
I sighed again. "In what way?"
"I would appreciate it very greatly if you could set them up on a date."
I gaped at her, all thought of my book gone from my mind. "You what?" (I said, to Miss Peregrine's disapproval: apparently, it is not grammatically correct).
"I would like you to set them up on a date," the Headmistress repeated, frowning.
"Well... There is a very wide spectrum of dates. What kind of date were you thinking?"
"I would honestly be very happy if a simple dinner for two would do the trick, or perhaps a cup of tea in the garden together. But they... They've been apart for so long, I'm going to take an educated guess and say that they'll want to do more private things, more mature things."
I tried not to gag. Yes, I'm pretty old so I know what she meant, but hearing this kinda stuff from your wise, old ymbryne is not high on your to-do list.
"But... Miss​ Peregrine. After Horace's dream, you know the one - "
"Yes, I know the one."
" - You told me to never let anything of the sort happen. And now you're asking me to help it along?"
Miss Peregrine stood up, making as if to depart soon. She raised an eyebrow at me sternly, but I still got the feeling that she was a little embarrassed about this sudden change of heart. "Yes, that is exactly what I want you to do. Now, you'd better start thinking up some ideas, hadn't you? I'll leave you to it." And with that, she departed from the library swiftly, leaving me to wonder what on earth would make Enoch and (Y/N) want to...
Nope, I'm not even going to say it.

COMPLETED // i don't want to hurt anymore - enoch o'connor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now